Transformation Leadership: Honoring Your God Given Design ON DEMAND

Transformation Leadership: Honoring Your God Given Design ON DEMAND

Evelyn Silvoso Wallace will share decades of wisdom and practical application on Transformation Leadership.

By Transform Our World



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About this event

  • 281 days 14 hours


Come learn about a fascinating and innovative perspective on the topic of Transformation Leadership: Honoring Your God-Given Design. More than 20 years ago, Evelyn Silvoso Wallace was divinely inspired to develop the concept of Transformation Leadership as a key to unlock the potential within each person’s unique God-inspired design. Her model has been tested and proven in multiple countries, cultural backgrounds, and socioeconomic demographics to set people free from false expectations and pressures so that they can walk confidently in their truest self to bring the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit into their sphere of influence.

Evelyn's recorded seminar includes an in-depth exploration of how the motivational gifts of Romans 12 can be used to give insight and divine strategy on how to become the leader you were designed to be! Increased productivity, heightened creativity and unprecedented impact are just a few of the benefits of leading from a Transformational perspective.

What You Receive Upon Purchase

This is a on-demand video recording of the Intro Seminar. With a purchase of this ticket, an email will be sent to you with a link, temporary username, and password to Evelyn's pre-recorded seminar. Expect an email with 1 business day of your purchase.

The video rental will last for 30 days upon purchase.

Want More?

There will be opportunities to purchase tickets for an Advanced Seminar and receive one-on-one consulting with Evelyn.

The Advanced Seminar will be coming soon! Dates to be determined.

One-on-one consulting will be coming soon, as it will be available after the Advanced Seminar takes place.

Both upcoming events will be advertised on our website. Please check back in the future for more details.

The Story Behind Transformational Leadership

Evelyn Silvoso Wallace's prototype Transformation Leadership was established more than 25 years ago as God began to unwrap to her the importance of walking in our God-given design and how we can equip and empower not only ourselves but those around us to walk in our authority and blessings given at conception.

What to Expect from Our Seminar

As you watch this on-demand seminar you will discover your top 3 gifts, how they interplay with each other, and your God-given authority related to each of these gifts! This will impact your intercession and spiritual warfare on a whole new level!

How is Transformation Leadership different from personality tests?

Meyers Briggs, Enneagram and other personality tests are all great resources that help people understand their communication styles and motivations, but the spiritual dimension is left out! Evelyn will walk you through the significance of understanding your authority, birthright and the common challenges that come against each gift set.

Testimonies of Transformation Leadership

When you are operating in your design you can take on so much more because it's compatible to who God made you to be! Here a short testimony about a former TOW staff member about the difference she experienced working in the Transformation Leadership perspective!

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Your registration is nonrefundable, as once your ticket is purchased, you will receive access to the content within 24 hours.

No payment plans allowed.


Like many of you, I have a sense of self from insightful diagnostic inventories. Myers-Briggs identifies me as an ENTJ entrepreneur. The Enneagram identifies me as Type 3 achiever. Strengths Finders identifies me as Top 5 in achiever, futuristic, strategic, learner and competitor. Working Genius highlights my best teamwork skills as invention and tenacity. All of these perspectives guide me to better understand how I’m “wired for work”, and how best to “play well in the sandbox” with others.

However, I’ve never had a diagnostic inventory like the Redemptive Gifts assessment I recently received from Evelyn Silvoso Wallace of Transform our World. My pattern is Mercy-Ruler-Exhorter, the same one as King David from the Old Testament. On the upside, at my best I can lead with God’s heart. On the downside, my heart can “get the best of me”. With this pattern I have a particular gift for hearing God’s voice, experience distinctive forms of spiritual warfare, and must optimize my approach for working with others on teams. I encourage you to explore this spiritual dimension of self-understanding, certainly new to me, by checking out

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