Transform and Manifest Your Dream Life

Transform and Manifest Your Dream Life

A coaching session designed to help individuals tap into their full potential, eliminate limiting beliefs and create their dream life.

By Stephanie Molden

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2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Transform and Manifest Your Dream Life

Transform and Manifest Your Dream Life is an event designed to help individuals tap into their full potential and create the life they have always dreamed of. Through an interactive workshop particip...

About this event

    Frequently asked questions

    Why is this transformational event free?

    Coach Stephanie has been called to empower women. She has a personal goal to raise the consciousness, heal and empower 1,000 women and helping them live their dream life. This is one small way to give back and impact as many women as possible and change the world one woman at a time.

    How can I work with Coach Stephanie in the future?

    You can join her 4 month group coaching program or attend one of her Manifestation Retreats. For details, see her Instagram Bio @TheRefreshingBySM

    You have multiple classes, are they all the same?

    Yes, the content will be the same, and you can join as many times as you like, free of cost. You will get something new everytime, even though the content is the same. However Coach Stephanie offers other services for a fee. For details, see her Instagram Bio @TheRefreshingBySM.

    Are there materials for this 1 hour workshop?

    There are a couple of worksheets that are made available during the session.

    Organized by

    Stephanie Molden is a Certified Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Mentor and Public Speaker. Over the course of her life she experienced sexual abuse, body image bullying, dysfunctional and abusive relationships, all resulting in low self-esteem, no self-love, poor body image and poor life choices. She had dreams on the inside that she could not manifest due to fear, insecurities, lack of confidence and limiting beliefs. Well, that all changed 25 years ago when she started her long journey to healing that led her to being the confident, emotionally healed, healthy, purpose driven and fulfilled woman that she is today. Now, she is living in her purpose of empowering others, especially women, to overcome their fears, insecurities, traumas and tragedies, so they can live their best lives on purpose and manifest their dreams. She believes everyone has beauty, light, love and the power within to thrive. Her desire is to spread this message to everyone she meets through The Refreshing.