Train-The-Trainer 1 Day Training in Charlotte, NC

Train-The-Trainer 1 Day Training in Charlotte, NC

Offers: Group of 5 - 10 people 10% Discount, Group of 11 - 20 people 15% Discount

By Mangates


For venue details reach us at

PH: +1 469 666 9332 Charlotte, NC 28262

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event


Module One: Understanding Training and Facilitation

● What is Training? ● What is Facilitation? ● Identifying Appropriate Situations for Each

Module Two: Gathering Materials

● Identifying Participant’s Needs ● Reviewing the Materials ● Identifying and Resolving Gaps

Module Three: Creating a Lesson Plan

● Planning for the Basics ● Adding Slack Time ● Creating a Plan B ● A Take-Home Template

Module Four: Choosing Activities

● Types of Activities ● Creating a Tickle Trunk ● What To Do When Games Go Wrong

Module Five: Preparing for the Workshop

● Creating a Materials List ● Gathering Participant Information ● Setting up the Physical Location

Module Six: Getting off on the Right Foot

● Greeting Participants ● Being Prepared ● Using Icebreakers

Module Seven: Delivery Tips and Tricks

● Using Visual Aids ● Creating Supporting Materials ● Gauging When It's Time For A Break

Module Eight: Keeping it Interactive

● Encouraging Discussion ● Using Group Work ● The Power of Post-It Notes

Module Nine: Dealing with Difficult Participants

● The Ground Rules ● Challenges and Solutions ● Handling Interruptions

Module Ten: Tackling Tough Topics

● Tough Stuff to Watch Out For ● Adjusting Your Material for a Sensitive Issue ● Dealing with Sensitive Issues in the Workshop

Module Eleven: Wrapping Up

● Words from the Wise ● Review of Parking Lot ● Lessons Learned ● Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations

About this event

    Certificate: Course Completion Certificate

    Language: English

    Duration: 1 Day

    Credits: 8

    Refreshments: Snacks, Beverages and Lunch included in classroom session

    Course Delivery: Classroom

    Course Overview:

    Whether you are preparing to be a professional trainer, or you are someone who does a bit of training as a part of your job, you always want to be prepared. Your participants will understand that training is a process where skills, knowledge, and attitudes are applied in a unique way.

    Our Train-The-Trainer workshop will provide participants the skills to help them deliver engaging and compelling workshops. Skills such as facilitating, needs analyses, and managing tough topics will give your trainees what they require to become a trainer themselves.

    Target Audience:

    Anybody who is interested in learning Train-The-Trainer Skills.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Plan and organize professional presentations
    • Develop your own natural and relaxed communication style
    • Learn to sell your ideas with clarity and force that inspires others
    • Create an open, inclusive and stimulating learning environment
    • Approach challenges in a way that leads to victories and success for participants
    • Coach and develop participants to empower them and lead them to continuous improvement



    Course Materials:

    Attendees will receive a course manual with presentation slides and reference materials.

    Technical Requirements:

    For eBooks:

    Internet for downloading the eBook

    Laptop, tablet, Smartphone, eReader (No Kindle)

    Adobe DRM supported software (e.g. Digital Editions, Bluefire Reader)

    eBook download and activation instructions

    Communication Skills Workshop: Communication Skills are the most highly valued skills in today’s business environment. Successful professionals who add value to their companies communicate clearly, accurately and effectively. Poor communication skills, on the other hand, restrict even the most talented professionals from getting ahead in the business world.

    Communication Skills intensive is a cutting edge training program designed to help today’s business professionals take their communication skills and effectiveness to the next level. It immerses you into the most advanced and innovative communication techniques.

    Communication Strategies Workshop: For the better part of everyday, we are communicating to and with others. Whether it’s the speech you deliver in the boardroom, the level of attention you give your spouse when they are talking to you, or the look you give the cat, it all means something.

    The Communication Strategies workshop will help participants understand the different methods of communication and how to make the most of each of them. These strategies will provide a great benefit for any organization and its employees. They will trickle down throughout the organization and positively impact everyone involved.

    Emotional Intelligence Workshop: Emotional intelligence describes the ability to understand one’s own feelings. It also provides great insight on how emotion influences motivation and behavior. The concepts of Emotional Intelligence have been around since the early 20th century, but the term was first introduced by Wayne Payne in 1985.

    With our Emotional Intelligence workshop you will gain a better understanding of self-management and self-awareness. This in turn will give you better insight and control over your actions and emotions. With a greater understanding of emotions you will experience a positive impact on your professional and personal lives.

    Business Ethics Workshop: A company’s ethics will determine its reputation. Good business ethics are essential for the long-term success of an organization. Implementing an ethical program will foster a successful company culture and increase profitability. Developing a Business Ethics program takes time and effort, but doing so will do more than improve business, it will change lives.

    A company’s ethics will have an influence on all levels of business. It will influence all who interact with the company including customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, etc. All of these groups will have an effect on the way a company’s ethics are developed. It is a two-way street; the influence goes both ways, which makes understanding ethics a very important part of doing business today. Ethics is very important, as news can now spread faster and farther than ever before.

    Anger Management Workshop: We all know an angry face when we see one. Anger is such a universal and powerful emotion that can make you physically and emotionally ill, sap your energy and poison your relationships or it can motivate you to make needed changes and add vitality to your life. This training program aims to help you adopt a more constructive attitude towards your anger and to more effectively manage anger in others as well. Practical activities and tools that will empower those who act out their anger in negative ways to gain better control of their anger and their lives and use it as a tool to motivate and empower them to affirm their integrity or boundaries. The program will encourage participants to look deep inside to explore the roots of their anger and present alternatives to the old ways of thinking and dealing with anger.

    Presentation Skills - Professional Workshop: In today’s professional world many things are seen as a “given”. Every individual is expected to perform above average in its area of expertise and it is given that they will excel in interpersonal skills, including presentation and communication skills. Unfortunately this is not the norm. Presentations skills can be developed over time through practice and experience. However, without proper guidance and advice, anyone may develop wrongdoings that may unconsciously negatively impact the desired outcome; whether to entertain or educate the audience, or succeed in “selling” an specific idea or project.

    Conflict Management Workshop: Disagreements, differences of opinion and conflicting perspectives on key issues inevitably arise in any context where people are working together.

    Research has shown that workplace conflicts can become highly destructive. Negative emotions may be stirred up, poisoning team morale, creating stress and destroying relationships.

    Conflict may emerge between managers and their staff, between team members or departments.

    Conflict may be expressed openly, but it may also be hidden, in the form of irritation, resentment, loss of morale and lack of commitment. Hidden conflict is easy to miss and therefore can be particularly damaging.

    Employee Engagement Workshop: Employee engagement is a necessary strategy for companies that want to succeed in the marketplace. Employee engagement is not an HR initiative that managers are reminded to do once a year. It is a key strategic driver of employee performance, accomplishment, and continuous improvement all year long. It is the outcome of how your organisation interacts with people to drive business results.

    This Employee Engagement training is suitable for anyone that works in a management or leadership role.

    Help improve the engagement of your employees and increase business success

    Effective Vendor Management Workshop: Your relationship with your vendors can often make or break a project baseline. In this short course, you will learn best practices for managing the vendor relationship from initiation to close, including documenting requirements, negotiating contract terms, and evaluating proposals. You’ll learn how and why to establish clearly defined roles and responsibilities between you and your vendors.

    Leading Effective Teams Workshop: This training based on leading teams will help you to develop anyone that leads a team or is involved in a leadership role. It is also useful for those that are about to embark on a position of leadership or need to develop their leadership skills.

    Having an effective team around you is crucial. However, it is an area that is often left to chance, which can lead to de-motivated individuals that do not feel part of the business and consequently do not perform. This course looks at what it takes to lead an effective team and how you can get the best out of the people in it by understanding the role of the leader, both personally and from the point of view of the team.

    Practical Sales Skills Workshop: This practical sales skills training has been developed for salespeople or people who are required to sell as part of their role. This course is applicable for both people relatively new to sales as well as those who have a lot of experience as the content is flexible enough to adapt to suit the audience.

    If you want your team to exceed sales targets and gain instant results, this sales training is for you!

    The core aim of this sales skills training is to provide you with a set of tools that can be practicably used in your role as salesperson

    Leadership Skills - Lead, Motivate & Inspire Workshop: The best leaders have the ability to share their vision with passion and commitment, giving their people a purpose, a challenge they are willing to embrace and carry on to achieve amazing results.

    This two day activity based training program will empower you as a leader in bringing out the best in yourself and others by exploring the most critical success factors of strong leadership that will help you bring your people together, motivate, energize and inspire them to their full potential to achieve extraordinary things.

    Sales Management Workshop: A successful sales manager’s job is to provide clear direction and support to his/her team enabling them to excel and develop to reach their full potential. Sales managers often rise to this position from a successful career in sales. But the skills required of a successful sales manager are quite different from the skills of a sales person which is one of the key points that this program will be focusing on.

    This two day program will enable delegates to have a clear understanding of the successful sales manager’s responsibilities and how to become more effective in their roles in this challenging competitive business environment of today. Over the period of the course delegates will explore key leadership skills as well as the essential sales managerial skills needed for them to effectively forecast and implement effective sales plans, motivate, monitor and evaluate the performance of their people and provide the required direction and support ensuring measurable sales results from their sales teams.

    Business Process Analysis & Design Workshop: This business process improvement course provides you with an opportunity to learn the essential knowledge and skills for applying the most effective and current business analysis techniques when modeling your business, comprehensively analyzing the current state, and subsequently designing the future state. The application of these techniques will be presented as part of an overall framework, as you identify key deliverables and the major steps from modeling and analysis of the current state and future state design.

    Presentation Skills Workshop: This business presentations training will provide you with the skills and knowledge required to deliver effective and persuasive business presentations that get results. It will help you to present in a style that changes the way people think about the topics they present to them while leaving the audience with key actions to take away.

    You will be guided on how to prepare and deliver the message with impact and given the tools and techniques to ensure that their audience feels engaged and influenced by your delivery.

    Persuasive presentations that get results, our Business Presentations Training.

    Organisations need people that can deliver persuasive business presentations. Here you have the training to help you develop them.

    Frequently asked questions

    What Does Mangates provide me on the day of the course?

    We provide Course Materials, Lunch/Beverages and Course Completion Certificate.

    If I cancel my Enrollment, how can I claim my Refund?

    You can request a refund by sending an email to and within 7-14 working days you get your money back.

    How do I enroll in a course?

    You can reach us at or enroll through our website.

    Is the course available online or in-person?

    We host the training through both the platform, Online and Classroom. The virtual training option can be chosen by busy professionals.

    What is the duration of the course?

    The duration of the training is 8 hours. The training will run from 9 AM to 5 PM.

    Do you provide group discount?

    Yes, we do provide great discount for the group registration. To enquire, reach us at

    Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the training?

    Once you complete the training, you will receive a globally recognized Course Completion Certificate.

    Can I switch my registration to different course if required?

    Yes. You can switch your registration to a different course with a week prior notice.

    Are your instructors are qualified and certified?

    Our subject matter experts are from relevant industries and are certified.

    How many credits will I be eligible for?

    You will be credited with 8 PDUs on completion of this training.

    Organized by

    Mangates Tech Solutions is one of the Leading Education Industry, We Developed a more advanced, applied level of Training programs. We Designed High Quality Training programs and you can expect the same learning Experience, this made us stand out above the competition.

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