Tomato Titans at Hammerie Farm

Tomato Titans at Hammerie Farm

Tomato Titans taming wild tomatoes while having a good laugh. Enjoy garden fun, and relax poolside after. All ages welcome!

By Hammerie Farm


Hammerie Farm

3725 Palomino Road Northwest Somerset, OH 43783


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Rally of the Tomato Titans!

Come as you are Tomato Titans! We're all about that easy-breezy vibe, so feel free to wander in whenever suits you best. While 10 AM is our unofficial kick-off time, there's no rush – just join us wh...

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Lunchtime Shenanigans and Garden Grazing

Now, here's the scoop for lunchtime: Clay and I might be nose-deep in tomatoes (or pretending to be busy while sneakily snacking), but don't let that stop you from indulging in some well-deserved gru...

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Tomato Titans

The more Tomato Titans, the merrier the laughter and the quicker we conquer our goals! After our tomato adventures, we can either keep it up or call it a day and dive into some relaxation. Stick arou...

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tomato Titans Relax

Congratulations, Tomato Titans! Time to kick back, crack open a cold one (if you're 21+), and dive into the pool. Dinner's on us, but feel free to bring along your comfiest chair, extra brews, and sn...

About this event

Titans of Tomato Trimming, unite! We're not just gardeners, we're titans – mastering the art of trimming and tidying tomatoes with gusto! Earn your stripes as a Tomato Titan, taming the crazy overgrown escapee tomatoes, all while wielding quirky gardening tools and trading jokes. And hey, it's not just about tomatoes – we'll pamper our plants, nab some berries, and maybe even find love in other garden tasks. As true titans, we'll snack on some of the tomatoes as we trim, savoring the fruits of our labor while also asserting our dominance over the tomato jungle. All ages welcome – whether you're a gentle flower stroller or a tomato-trimming pro. If you love tomatoes, you're in luck! After a hard day's work, it's poolside relaxation, cold drinks, and grilled delights. Ready to join the ranks of the Tomato Titans?

On Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM we work and afterwards we relax. We personally get started around 7:00 to 8:00 AM to beat the heat. Feel free to come earlier and/or stay as long as you wish.

Frequently asked questions

Is your property wheel chair accessible?

Mostly our yard is not wheel chair accessible as we do not have many sidewalks on our farm. Please reach out directly to us at and we will do our best to accommodate you.

I have special accessibility needs/dietary requirements; can you accommodate me?

We will do our best to accommodate everyone. Prior to booking, please email us at to let us know so we may confirm if we are able to.

Is there a dress code?

Dress comfortably and consider wearing clothes that you would wear to a local park. Consider bringing an additional pair of clothes for afterwards and maybe a bathing suit as well. Also a hat is strongly encouraged to keep away horse flies. Bug spray and sunscreen is also a good idea.

Where do I go to check in?

Likely we will be in the garden to your left when you pull up. We may also be in the lean-to building with the green roof too.

Can I bring my pet or will there be other dogs there?

We are open to the idea of you bringing your pets. However, bring a leash, water, and anything they would need. Note you are liable and responsible for your pet. Also if we have a guest who does not like animals please let us know so we can tell everyone to leave their pets at home.

Do I have to arrive that early or stay that late?

No. We are very flexible and grateful for the help. Come and stay as long as you'd like. However, if you are not planning on staying for dinner please let us know so we don't have to make as much food.

Organized by

All events at Hammerie Farm are private fundraisers for our farm to continue to upgrade and improve. We will offer brunches, lunches, BBQs, and dinners with all events being farm-to-table.