TLC: Transgender Living with Change, A Parent and Family Support Group

TLC: Transgender Living with Change, A Parent and Family Support Group

A Parent and Family Support Group FREE Webinar Series

By Dr. "Wild" Ben Goldman



About this event

    Are you going through the many transitions associated with your child or someone you love identifying as transgender?

    You may be experiencing a lot of emotions and unsure where to turn. At Nature Breakthroughs, we’re here for you and know what you are going through. We have resources and workshops dedicated to helping you handle this unknown change, find peace, and support your loved ones.

    We can help you navigate the uncharted territory of a child or loved one in gender transition.

    Looking for someone to talk to? This FREE WEBINAR SERIES is intended to create a safe space for exploration and support, no matter where you are on your journey, or how you feel.

    You may be feeling fear for your child, confusion, grief, or unsure what to do next. Let’s talk about it, connect, and be there for one another.

    Sign up now to find the strength and compassion required to break through the social barriers and stigma of a child in gender transition.

    You will know what is best for you and your child. You will have greater acceptance for what is happening. You will have more peace. You will know how to support your child.

    Your cohosts, Billie Grace Berry and Dr. "Wild" Ben Goldman, Liam Houston, and AJ & Rachel Strahorn have first-hand experience and have been through it all, Billie Grace as a married trans woman with kids and grandkids, Ben as the cis father of a transgender son, Liam as the transgender son of cis parents, and AJ as the trans brother of his cis sister Rachel.

    When Ben's son first came out, he felt it all: pride mixed with grief and loss, glad for his child, but also afraid, concerned, and confused. Even if met with support and it all seems meant to be, the reality can come as a surprise with unexpected challenges and emotions, mixed with layers of other complicated issues. After struggling to find resources and support that felt right, he decided to put together a program so that other parents and families would have a place to turn.

    NOTE: After you register, your emailed ticket will require you to complete a form for safety reasons to get the link. If you signed up before, you can use the same link sent previously after you completed the form.