Mystery Cults Ancient Greece/Rome-Dr Rietveld-Zoom History Talk-June 27,8pm

Mystery Cults Ancient Greece/Rome-Dr Rietveld-Zoom History Talk-June 27,8pm

Join us Thursday, June 27, 8:00 pm for Dr. James Rietveld's Zoom History talk "Mystery Cults of Ancient Greece & Rome." Pay What You Wish.


Date and time

Thursday, June 27 · 8 - 9:30pm PDT



Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

History buffs, armchair anthropologists, occultists!

Join us on Thursday, June 27, 8:00 p.m. for a Zoom history talk by scholar, archeologist, and enthusiastic professor Dr. James Rietveld on the "Mystery Cults of Ancient Greece and Rome" discussing Eleusis, Dionysus, the Phrygian Magna Meter, Mithras, and Serapis with Isis, which greatly influenced modern magickal traditions and personal power systems.

Pay What You Wish:

Mystery Religions or Cults always raise an eyebrow or two when brought up within public and academic contexts inclusive of the Mysteries of Ancient Greece and Rome, where, traced back to the seventh century BCE, they increased in popularity following the conquests of Alexander the Great.

Mystery Cults in Antiquity had initiations, vows, secret rites, esoteric knowledge, magic words, votive offerings, and emphasized the importance of personal choice in one's beliefs rather than what was expected by society.

But the mysteries were only powerful as one's belief in them, so faith became a key component for effectiveness, enabling a person able to successfully meet the challenges of everyday life, and ultimately offering salvation for the soul.

Journey with us to discover the roots of today's occult philosophy, ceremonial magick, and modern personal empowerment systems, in the ancient practices and traditions which influenced Aleister Crowley, Ordo Templi Orientis, and Freemasonry.

This talk is definitely not a one to be missed!

This lecture will be posted on the Dr. James Rietveld Salon Lecture You Tube channel, where you can also watch previous lectures:

Dr. James Rietveld is a professor at CSU, Fullerton and Cal Poly Pomona, CA of History, Anthropology, Religion with a PHD from Claremont School of Religion, is author of two books, and can be seen on History channel's "Crazy Rich Ancients."

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Ipso Facto is a gothic-occult lifestyle clothing store which offers history/mythology lectures, magick and crafting workshops, tarot readings and more. Established 1989.
