The Plant 616 Forum

The Plant 616 Forum

A monthly gathering of missional disciples, church leaders, and kingdom dreamers collaborating together for Gospel Saturation in our region.

By Plant 616

Select date and time

Wednesday, May 8 · 11:30am - 1:30pm EDT


1480 Buchanan Ave SW

1480 Buchanan Avenue Southwest Grand Rapids, MI 49507

About this event

Lunch is on us!

Our May Forum will be hosted by Reach the Forgotten.

A monthly gathering of pastors, missional disciples, and kingdom dreamers designed for encouragement, connection, and inspiration. We gather the 2nd Wednesday of every month .

Come dream with us about Gospel Saturation in our region!

Organized by

For church planters, aspiring church planters, senders and church planters at heart. We gather for discussion, prayer, encouragement and a free lunch. Our goal is to see Jesus made famous on every block of the 616.