The OM Circle

The OM Circle

A spiritual community devoted to uplifting the individual & universal consciousness through various healing practices. We meet every Sunday.

By Revolutionized Reality

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Nexus Health Center

222 Mapleview Drive East #Unit 14 Barrie, ON L4N 9H4 Canada

About this event

    What is The OM Circle?

    The OM Circle is a Spiritual Healing / Meditation group & the community you’ve always sought. It's a place you can feel comfortable calling home.

    Who is the founder?

    Jordan Lundrigan Founder of Revolutionized Reality™️ | Advanced ThetaHealing® Practitioner | Askfirmations™ Developer | Artist | Visionar

    What are the events like?

    • We begin with set-up & socializing so that everyone can become comfortable with the group.
    • This leads to a Sage / Energy Cleansing of the space & the individual while balancing the root chakra with tingsha bells.
    • We then guide you through a Theta Meditation focusing on sending love, light, protection & healing to yourself, your loved ones, the planet, & the cosmos.
    • Afterwards is several minutes of Sound Healing with Crystal Singing Bowls.
    • From there the meditation evolves depending on what the focus is for that Sunday.
    • We also work on specific chakras, gratitude, breath, etc...
    • By the end of it you’ll feel like a new person welcomed into a new family & ready to take on life in a new way!

    What is the purpose / goal of The OM Circle?

    • The OM Circle’s purpose is to contribute to / hasten the evolution of consciousness locally / internationally / universally so that we may begin to reshape our world for the better, as well as, to infinitely & directly improve the lives of those who attend. Its purpose is as well to be a community of people who can trust one another, who can remind one another of the good things when we might not be able to see them, who help eachother find and live their passion, and who help each other grow spiritually, financially, etc...
    • Our current short term goal is to reach 30 meditators in one sitting at our new facility by the end of the summer.
    • Our mid term goal, between 8 - 24 months, is to be regularly meditating with 50 people in person and 25 on our live stream.
    • Our long term goal, between 25 - 120 months, is to have our own retreat center at which we are regularly hosting meditations of over 100 people in person and 3,000 on our live stream.
    • Our ultimate goal is to have fully self-sustainable communities globally, centered around the exploration and advancement of consciousness, holistic / spiritual healing, truth, unity, and unconditional love.

    How much is it?


    Can we donate?

    Absolutely! All donations will go toward the construction of our ‘Breakaway Civilization’.

    What should I bring?

    Bring your meditation pillows, crystals, journals, friends, a water bottle, & whatever else you can think of!

    Should I bring water?

    We recommend that you don’t! At each event we supply antioxidant surplussed, hydrogen rich, micro-clustered, electrolyzed reduced water & we wouldn’t want you to miss out on that! So an empty water bottle is good.

    Can I bring my kids?

    Absolutely! It's actually encouraged! We have meditators as young as 7 that come. This is meant to be a model for the new earth. A place you can call home. A place where you and your kids can unappologetically be your spiritual selves.

    Be in the next Polaroid!

    Once a month we will be taking a group photo until we’ve reached our goal of living in our Healing Centered Community. The photos will go up on one of the walls in our main building paired with a mural to depict our beautiful journey. To spice things up a bit, the Polaroid will be taken on a random Sunday every month (mischievous laugh), so make sure you show up!

    What if I can't be there in person?

    If you cannot attend in person we also livestream from @RevolutionizedReality on Instagram.

    Remember to follow @RevolutoinizedReality on instagram for updates!

    See you there!

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