The Life-Changing Magic of Learning R

The Life-Changing Magic of Learning R

The Life-Changing Magic of Learning R: First Steps, Good Habits, and Best Practices

By Rotman Research Institute

Date and time

Monday, June 12, 2023 · 10 - 11:30am PDT



About this event

Workshop Overview:

R can feel like dark sorcery. Formulae chained together by eldritch symbols, scripts shared in hushed tones. This workshop aims to demystify R by walking through some first steps of what R and RStudio are; good habits to keep your code clean; and best practices for wrangling and visualising your data. No prior experience with R or coding is necessary. While learning R may not always spark joy, it will be life-changing!

Workshop Objectives:

In taking this workshop, you’ll learn:

  • first steps, like understanding an R project’s file structure and the anatomy of an R script
  • good habits, like commenting and naming conventions
  • best practices, like using the tidyverse and pipe notation

Attendee Requirements:

Optional, but strongly recommended: Up-to-date version of R ( and RStudio (

Workshop Instructors:

1. Dr. Ryan Yeung, Postdoctoral Fellow, Rotman Research Institute

Ryan is a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Brian Levine’s lab at the Rotman Research Institute. Previously, Ryan completed his Master’s and PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Waterloo with Dr. Myra Fernandes. His research focuses on emotional and recurrent memories, and their links to individual differences such as imagery and psychopathology. Outside of work, he loves video games, tabletop RPGs, and hipster music.

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