The Heart of the Matter: Unleashing the Power of Catholic Spirituality

The Heart of the Matter: Unleashing the Power of Catholic Spirituality

Explore what it means to experience prayer that is really a two-way exchange, and unleash the power of authentic Catholic spirituality!

By Fullness of Truth

Date and time

August 16 · 4pm - August 18 · 5pm CDT


9800 Hyatt Resort Dr

9800 Hyatt Resort Drive San Antonio, TX 78251

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 30 days before event

About this event

  • 2 days 1 hour

Do you feel as though you’re in the midst of a storm? In today's culture of hustle and hurry, we often push prayer to the margins of our busy to-do lists, leaving us dry and burned out. But what if you could hear from God directly, just as you would from a close friend? Do you ever wonder if he really wants to hear from you? Shouldn’t our first priority be to learn how to hear Him?

Catholic Spirituality is what it really means to have a personal relationship with God. Therefore, this August, Fullness of Truth invites you to their exciting 18th Annual Catholic Family Summer Conference titled “The Heart of the Matter: Unleashing the Power of Catholic Spirituality,” at the newly-renovated Hyatt Hill Country Resort & Spa in San Antonio, Texas, August 16th – 18th, 2024.

Renown speakers include: BISHOP GARY JANAK (Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of San Antonio); FATHER DONALD CALLOWAY (wildly popular “surfer priest” and prolific author); DEACON HAROLD BURKE-SIVERS (“The Dynamic Deacon” and author); PAUL J. KIM (crowd-favorite comedian and musician); DAN & STEPHANIE BURKE (Avila Institute founders, EWTN hosts and authors); SONJA CORBITT (spunky Catholic convert evangelist and author); and FR. KEN GERACI (Missionary Preacher and deliverance ministry). This awesome weekend event kicks off right with a Friday evening Family Fun Night & Catholic Illusionist Show, featuring Giancarlo Bernini. The weekend features an engaging Saturday Youth Track, and an intimate Saturday evening with FATHER DONALD CALLOWAY at our Annual Benefit Dinner (inquire for more details).

There are few things more wondrous than the Catholic spiritual tradition. It is like an Aladdin’s cave, full of beauty and richness that we can scarcely comprehend. And yet so many of us are scarcely aware of this treasure-trove or, if we are aware, we are too busy or too uninterested to enter.

Nevertheless, the invitation remains. Let our speakers lead you anew to the holiness God Wills to empower you. Yes, many of us say our prayers, attend Mass, and read the Bible. All of us want a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Lord. Now, explore what it means to experience prayer that is really a two-way exchange, and unleash the power of authentic Catholic spirituality!

Our experts will focus on the heart of the matter, that is, towards contemplative forms of prayer. Teresa of Avila was committed to a life of contemplative prayer, culminating with spiritual unity with God. Also, by following in St. Dominic’s footsteps, we too can discover how to live with a heart that is undivided, seeking God first in all things. The Church actually teaches that Our Lady is greater in grace than all Angels and Saints combined, so why wouldn’t we avail ourselves more to her Immaculate Heart in this journey? Taking instruction from the great Spiritual Masters, then intertwining those insights with practical, personal observations for your own life, this event will inspire you to grasp this spiritual priority ASAP!

Many conferences on spirituality are about what we do to pray, or to pray better. But there are relatively few, like this conference, that focus on what God does in prayer. Our Conference will encourage you to experience God in the midst of our mundane days, giving simple, practical insight into the joy of holding a constant, never-ending conversation with our Maker.

Yes, life is always full of new and unexpected challenges, but each challenge is also an opportunity to draw closer to God. You’ll find that God is, indeed, with you, and he is inviting you to a new perspective, renewed hope, and a more abundant life. Don’t Miss It!

To register, room reservations, see the event schedule or to learn more details, visit our website: or call: 877.218-7884 / 877.21.TRUTH.

While I was beseeching Our Lord today...I began to think of the soul as if it were a castle made of a single diamond or of very clear crystal, in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions. — St. Teresa of Avila

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