The Great Light Way  (A gathering of the Mystics)

The Great Light Way (A gathering of the Mystics)

A profound gathering at the Herat of the Crown chakra, Mystical Mount Shasta

By The Awake Within the Dream Productions Team

Date and time

July 12 · 8am - July 15 · 9:30pm PDT


629 Alder St

629 Alder Street Mount Shasta, CA 96067

Refund Policy

No Refunds


Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Registration Day 1

9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

opening ceremony

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Healing Sounds of the Universe with Cosmic Throat Singer Matthew Kocel

Matthew Kocel

"Matthew Kocel’s music is so primal, so rich and brilliantly soulful... It touches us on a profoundly deep level that opens our hearts..." - Dr. Joe Dispenza Imagine floating in an ocean of sacred so...

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Brooks Agnew

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

The Mystic way...initiation and becoming

Elizabeth "Wilcock" Seraphine

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Music, guitar, voice original and heart opening


About this event

“Once again, the time has come children of the stars.

Lift the veil from off your eyes, Know just who you are.

Listen deep within your heart, can you hear the call?

Send your Love into the world. Love away the walls.”

Beloved Friend, do you remember when our beautiful Source called you into Being? Do you remember The profound Love that you felt at that birth of your beginning? Do you remember The words that were whispered deep inside your Soul before you set off for your journey in time? Do you remember the Living Light codes that were given to you that would be opened during the time of the Great Golden Age? The Great Mountain , who has remained silent for oh' so long is calling Her Mystical travelers to return, for the time has now come... Will you answer the call?

Through sacred ceremony, sound, geometry and profound teachings of the mysteries, from our beautiful presenters, we will gather at the Heart of the Crown chakra of the planet, Mama Shasta. And... We will answer as one voice, one family and one frequency of Love that will transform the planet , the stars and all living things...

Our amazing lineup of presenters: Elizabeth Seraphine, Brooks Agnew, Lily Nova, Nikki Nicole Zephier, Grace of Mt. Shasta, Gary Cromp, Matthew Kocel, Amitabhan, Elijha Ray, Lyrali Violet, Dstar and Kira (Athena Tree), Nicole Keating , Loe Moshkavska and Shalomar

Please go to our website for more info about this powerful event

We have the Shasta Inn in Mount Shasta reserved. If you call them to reserve a room, tell them that you are coming to The great Light Way and you will receive our discount. This is a busy time in Mount Shasta so make your reservations soon!


Organized by

Awake Within the Dream Productions is dedicated to bringing the finest and most dedicated speakers, authors, healers, musicians and artists in the world today to this great mountain. These are the ones who have been out there on the front lines (so to speak) sharing their love, wisdom and compassion with humanity helping to usher in a new way of Being – Living as Infinite Love.

Mount Shasta is one of the 7 sacred mountains of the Earth. Seekers come from all over the planet to find solace and guidance on the slopes of this great Teacher. Many ley lines crisscross over Her majestic crown opening up inter dimensional portals to other worlds. There are legends, far too many to count that go back to antiquity. It is well known to many who live here that whatever takes place on the mountain, with pure intent reverberates out and affects the whole of the Earth.

It is with such pure intention that Awake within the dream productions has been created.

Early bird discount