The Great Discovery by Six Sigma | Global E-Learning Online Courses

Learn to Sell Online Courses Globally and Build Passive Income as a Course Creator, Coach, or Speaker! E-Learning & Digital Products

By Alex Hitt




8:00 AM - 8:15 AM

How to Effectively Sell Courses Presentation

8:15 AM - 8:30 AM

Question & Answer (Q&A)

About this event

    The Great Discovery is an e-learning marketplace with massive affiliate marketing capabilities.

    Check out the Great Discovery: Join The Great Discovery:

    Join The Great Discovery Affiliate Number: 932903

    Join TEAM = ALEX

    The Great Discovery Allows you too:

    • Upload and sell educational content globally
    • Translate courses into multiple languages
    • Enable affiliates to earn commissions for promoting courses
    • Offer live coaching in various languages (upcoming feature)

    Its competitive advantages include:

    • Global reach overcoming language/geographic barriers
    • Lifetime affiliate commissions
    • Lower costs than competitors with more features

    The event runs Monday - Saturday, 8am MST each day, where attendees can learn more about leveraging The Great Discovery for their online courses and coaching programs.

    The Great Discovery is a revolutionary e-learning platform that empowers course creators, affiliates, and learners worldwide. It offers a seamless online learning experience with global reach, language translation, and multi-language support for educational content. This innovative marketplace enables course creators to monetize their knowledge by uploading and selling digital courses globally, while providing affiliates with lucrative opportunities to earn residual and passive income through commission-based promotion.

    The Great Discovery fosters knowledge sharing, personal development, and interactive learning within a thriving worldwide e-learning community. It caters to both free and premium courses, ranging from Academy-level programs to specialized training for course creators on digital marketing systems and content monetization strategies.

    Leveraging cutting-edge language translation services and live translation capabilities, The Great Discovery transcends geographic barriers, making online learning accessible to individuals worldwide. Its robust affiliate network, unlimited course hosting, and competitive pricing structure set it apart from competitors, positioning it as a game-changer in the digital economy.

    With a focus on the online course revolution, The Great Discovery invites learners, course creators, and affiliates to join its rapidly expanding ecosystem and be part of the Genius Club – a hub for premium educational experiences and personal growth opportunities.

    Frequently asked questions

    Where is the Event?

    On Zoom

    How long is the event?

    30 mins long

    When is the event?

    Every Monday - Saturday at 10am EST / 9am CST / 8am MST / 7am PST

    What will you learn at the event?

    How to profitability sell online courses globally

    What is The Great Discovery?

    The Great Discovery is an innovative e-learning marketplace and platform that allows course creators to upload, sell, and translate their educational content into multiple languages for a global audience. It also has a robust affiliate marketing system.

    What are the main features of The Great Discovery?

    Key features include AI voice translation into over 100 languages, dynamic pricing, integrated affiliate system, lifetime affiliate commissions, global team/recruitment, ability to claim customers with free content, and immediate digital delivery.

    How can I join The Great Discovery?

    You can claim your place for free by signing up at

    What kind of courses can be offered?

    The platform supports all types of online courses across various topics for personal development, skills training, and more.

    What language options are available?

    Courses can be translated and offered in over 100 languages using AI voice translation for maximizing global reach.

    What are the advantages over other e-learning platforms?

    Global accessibility, language translation, lower costs, lifetime commissions for affiliates, and more robust features.

    Who created the Great Discovery?

    The Great Discovery was created by the team behind Six Sigma, the renowned business management methodology used by major corporations worldwide.

    What is the mission of the Great Discovery?

    The Great Discovery's mission is to help anyone improve their problem-solving abilities and accomplish their goals by providing logic-based educational programs and tools while rewarding referrals financially.

    What is the connection between the Great Discovery and Six Sigma?

    Six Sigma is the overarching business methodology that the Great Discovery's core processes are derived from, as conceived by Dr. Mel J. Harry, who co-created Six Sigma.

    What tools are provided for course creation?

    The Creator packages include a course creators pack with training on planning, creating, recording, and optimizing your course content.

    Is there a screening process for submitted courses?

    Yes, any course uploaded has to go through a screening approval process by the Great Discovery team to ensure quality standards.

    How is course quality maintained?

    In addition to the screening process, there is a review rating system that allows students to objectively evaluate each course's quality.

    What compensation is available for affiliates?

    Affiliates can earn direct commissions, team bonuses, matching bonuses, rank advancement bonuses, and other performance incentives.

    Can you just purchase courses without being an affiliate?

    Yes, absolutely. Joining the affiliate program is not mandatory to buy and access courses through the Great Discovery platform.

    Is the affiliate system required to access the courses?

    No, the affiliate system is optional. You can simply purchase courses as a consumer without being an affiliate if you prefer.

    Can course creators build their own affiliate teams?

    Yes, as a course creator, you have the ability to acquire your own affiliate team that directly promotes and benefits from your courses.

    How does the translation technology work?

    It uses artificial intelligence to automatically translate course videos, text, and materials into a viewer's preferred language.

    Does it use AI or human translators?

    The core translation utilizes AI, though there are options for human refining and professional translation services as well.

    Can courses be accessed globally?

    Yes, through the translation capabilities and versatile platform, courses on the Great Discovery can be consumed by anyone worldwide.

    Are prices adjusted based on regions?

    Yes, the pricing can be adjusted relative to each country's cost of living and currency to make it affordable globally.

    How is the Great Discovery platform unique compared to sites like Udemy?

    Unlike passive course hosts, it actively promotes courses through a built-in affiliate marketing structure instead of just hosting content.

    What marketing/promotion tools are included?

    Integrated tools include AI automated funnel builders, sales funnels, affiliate management, and a global promotional system incentives.

    Can affiliates promote any course on the platform?

    Yes, any affiliate can choose to promote any courses on the Great Discovery and earn commissions from the sales they generate.

    How are affiliates compensated for course sales?

    Affiliates earn a direct commission percentage from any course purchases, as well as residual commissions through their teams.

    What is the Genius Club membership?

    The Genius Club is an optional membership that unlocks free course content while also providing purchased discounts on the platform.

    What's included in the Genius Club membership?

    It includes unlimited access to all Genius Club courses, 10% Club savings on all premium and Academy courses, discounts, VIP access to events, monthly affiliate active status, special offers, rewards, and more, with a 14-day free trial option.

    Can you earn commissions promoting the Genius Club?

    Yes, the Genius Club membership is also a commissionable product for affiliates to earn on in addition to promoting courses.

    Is there any product manufacturing involved?

    No, the Great Discovery is an entirely digital platform without any physical products being produced or distributed.

    Why is course content a better offering than physical products?

    Informational products don't have the same overhead costs, making it easier to provide fair and high compensation.

    Can courses be purchased individually or just with memberships?

    Both options are available. You can purchase courses individually or through a membership like the Genius Club for broader access.

    Will more advanced/expensive courses be added over time?

    Yes, the course library and offerings are regularly expanded across all price points, including higher-end premiums.

    Do affiliates earn only on their personal recruits?

    No, you can earn compensation from your entire team's sales in the binary commission structure, not just your direct referrals.

    Can you earn overrides on an extended team?

    Yes, the Great Discovery provides for overrides and residual commissions through multiple levels of your organization sales.

    Is there a replicated website or back office for affiliates?

    Yes, affiliates get access to a cloud-based back office with reporting, promotional tools, and marketing resources.

    Can affiliates create their own customized funnels?

    Yes, the platform has built-in tools and AI auto capabilities for affiliates to generate and customize full marketing funnels.

    Can course creators be affiliates for other courses too?

    Yes, the model encourages cross-promotion, so creators can earn affiliate commissions beyond just their own courses.

    Is customer support available if there are issues?

    Yes, the Great Discovery has customer support channels available to assist members and affiliates with any questions or concerns.

    Is there a certification path to become a coach?

    Yes, an official coaching certification process exists to train and certify qualified instructors.

    Do coaches have to find their own clients?

    While coaches can independently market their services, the Great Discovery will provide client lead generation as well through the affiliate network.

    Can anyone purchase coaching services directly?

    Yes, anyone will have the option to directly enroll in live virtual coaching through the certified instructors on the platform.

    Is the coaching done via video conference or in-person?

    The coaches for the Great Discovery leverage remote video conferencing capabilities for convenient virtual coaching.

    How user-friendly is the overall experience?

    Simplicity and intuitive user experience across all components is a stated priority for the Great Discovery platform design.

    How does the Great Discovery ensure credibility of instructors?

    Through rigorous vetting of course submissions, instructor credentials, and enforcing quality standards based on transparent reviews.

    Why should you join the Alex team?

    Alex's team is unlike any other. Alex is a master marketer and an exceptional teacher and instructor. When you join Alex's team, you join a group of people who will relentlessly support you in significant and direct ways. As an added bonus, you will get access to Alex's entire marketing & promotion.

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