The Eros Sutra Study

An interactive community event of the feminine philosophy of Eros. Come laugh, cry, meditate, and connect.

By The Eros Platform




12:00 PM - 12:05 PM


12:05 PM - 12:15 PM

Sutra Study Reading

12:15 PM - 12:30 PM

Senior Faculty Reflection On The Reading

12:30 PM - 12:55 PM

Community/Audience Shares

12:55 PM - 1:00 PM


About this event

    The Eros Sutra Study

    Join us this week for Eros Sutra Study📿

    The Eros Sutras are a collection of feminine teachings of life lessons, presented as passages that speak to the mind, body, and soul of human life.

    Written by Nicole Daedone, creator of the practice of Orgasmic Meditation, the sutras touch on patterns in behavior, ways to look at our lives from different perspectives, and encourage the consideration of a more dynamic, accepting modern culture and the idea of being open to what comes.

    They offer raw and uncensored truths, along with philosophical and spiritual realities, and how these can play out in our lives in various ways.

    This is a one-hour event where we read a sutra, and then a senior faculty member guides us in an interactive discussion where people share how the sutra relates to everyday life.

    Sutra Study is every Tuesday at 12pmPT/3pmET, on The Eros Platform.

    *Please register in advance, at the following link:*

    You will receive an email reminder of the event. Thank you!

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    Frequently asked questions

    Do I have to participate?

    You can participate at any level you desire, though it's always nice when you share and are on video. Feel free to just watch, to ask questions to the instructor, or share your experience.

    What happens at Sutra Study?

    We begin by the reading of a sutra. Then a senior faculty member shares her reflections on the sutras. Then she opens it up for questions, feelings, reflections on the sutra.

    Is it free?


    How do I access the event?

    Pre-register at When it's time for Sutra Study, the "Register" button will have turned into a "Join" button. Click that. You will also receive a reminder email when you pre-register.

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