The ABC's of Speaking in Public

The ABC's of Speaking in Public

Unlock career opportunities by mastering public speaking! Virtual workshop to learn essential skills for success in business and life.

By David D. Doerrier - Presentation Skills Expert

Date and time

Wednesday, July 17 · 12 - 1:30pm PDT





Embark on a transformative journey as we unlock the power of effective communication together. From boardrooms to community forums, masterful communication is key to advancement. Next, we introduce t...

Understanding the ABCs of Public Speaking

This section dissects the vital components of effective communication: Agenda, Beliefs, and Core Communication Skills. Discover how crafting a clear agenda lays the foundation for successful speeches...

Crafting a Thoughtful Agenda

In this section, we will learn to craft agendas that engage and resonate with your audience, optimizing every element to deliver a compelling narrative. Acquire invaluable tips and strategies to elev...

Understanding and Cultivating Empowering Beliefs

In this section, we will learn to harness the power of empowering beliefs to unlock your full potential as a speaker. Gain invaluable insights and practical techniques to cultivate resilience and con...

Mastering Five Core Communication Skills

Receive comprehensive insights and practical tips for honing essential skills, including active listening, vocal variety, mindful breathing, confident eye contact, and impactful nonverbal communicati...

**Interactive Exercises**

In the "Interactive Exercises" workshop segment, participants actively apply newly acquired skills through engaging exercises. This includes at least one **breakout session** and an opportunity to pr...

Q&A and Closing

Finally, in closing remarks, we'll outline next steps, empowering participants to apply newfound knowledge effectively. This comprehensive approach ensures a meaningful and actionable workshop experi...

About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes

Just as electricians, firefighters, and construction workers rely on foundational skills to excel and stay safe, mastering basic skills is essential for effective public speaking.

Public speaking is more than just talking in front of others; it’s about effective communication, motivation, understanding, and listening—skills crucial in business and life.

The exciting news is that you can hone these skills to unlock incredible career opportunities. Start by learning the ABCs of public speaking and take your abilities to the next level.

The ABCs of Speaking in Public

"The ABCs of Public Speaking" provide vital principles and guidelines to help you confidently deliver impactful speeches and presentations. This comprehensive workshop empowers you to overcome anxiety, feel at ease in front of any audience, and connect with your listeners on a deeper level.

A = Agenda
Crafting a thoughtful agenda is crucial for a successful public speaking event. By considering aspects such as audience, topics, location, timing, purpose, and impact, you can ensure every detail is noticed and the event leaves a meaningful impact.

B = Beliefs
To deliver a powerful speech, it is essential to start by understanding your own beliefs. Embrace the role of an effective speaker by replacing negative self-beliefs with optimism and letting your confidence soar.

C = Five Core Communication Skills
Develop the five core communication skills: listening, vocal variety, breathing, nonverbal communication, and eye contact. Mastering these skills requires knowledge and practice, which is crucial for becoming an exceptional communicator.

Join our workshop and transform your public speaking skills into a powerful, memorable tool for success.

Sign up today and take the first step towards unlocking your true potential!

Frequently asked questions

Do I need any materials or prior preparation?

Yes—If possible, think about the content of your 60-second presentation. Keep it simple (KISS). With the foundational speaking skills presented during the workshop, you are encouraged to demonstrate what you learned by giving an **optional** 60-second "Elevator Pitch".

Do I need prior public speaking experience?

No, this workshop is suitable for beginners and experienced speakers alike.

How long is the workshop?

It's designed to be interactive and engaging, typically lasting around 90 minutes.

Will there be hands-on exercises?

Absolutely! You'll engage in practical exercises to apply the techniques learned during the workshop.

What makes this workshop unique?

It focuses on mastering foundational skills to communicate effectively without overwhelming the audience.

Who is this workshop for?

Anyone looking to enhance their public speaking skills. All levels.

Will there be networking opportunities during the workshop?

Yes, you'll have two opportunities - during one breakout session that will include one or two other participants and when giving your **optional** 60-second introduction.

Can I receive feedback on my pitch?

Absolutely! I will be available to provide feedback and tips for improvement.

Is there a maximum number of participants?

I aim to keep the workshop interactive and intimate, so spaces are limited.

Is this workshop available as a lunch & learn, conference keynote or learning breakout?

Yes, group discounts may be available for organizations or teams registering multiple participants.

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If you’re a business owner, trainer, or presenter, I’ve got you covered! My specialty is helping you deliver outstanding presentations - whether live or virtual. I’ll work with you to create engaging content that truly resonates with your audience. That way, they’ll be motivated to pay attention, take action, and support whatever product, process, or idea you’re putting forward. And best of all? I guarantee success!