Ten Broeck Mansion Gardening & Community Days

Ten Broeck Mansion Gardening & Community Days

Give back to our community: from gardening to picking up sticks, there's something for you to help with at the Ten Broeck Mansion's 4 acres.

By Albany County Historical Assc | Ten Broeck Mansion

Select date and time


Albany County Historical Association

9 Ten Broeck Place Albany, NY 12210

About this event

    Help keep our historic gardens looking their finest and open to our community! Join us for a community gardening and clean-up days, rain or shine. Help pick up trash and debris, tidy our gardens, gather sticks and branches, rake leaves, bag up sticks and leaves, and plant historic and indigenous plants and bulbs.

    Individuals, families, friends, and community groups are welcome to participate!

    Community groups: we welcome your club, school, neighborhood association, church/house of worship, or organization to sponsor one of our Garden or Clean-up Days! We are happy to provide certificates of appreciation and social media coverage of your sponsorship. Sponsorships can include monetary donations, donations of supplies, and/or a group of volunteers from your organization helping for a given event.

    Wish list for 2024:

    • heavy-duty wheelbarrow
    • contractor (trash) bags
    • multi-packs of garden-weight gloves
    • Please email us about these and other garden needs.


    Friday Garden Days: 9:30-11:30 am (first and third Fridays): focus on light gardening (planting, mulching, weeding, thinning plants). Gardeners of all abilities welcome. We welcome those new to gardening and can provide training.

    Saturdays Clean-up Days 9:30-11:30 am (first and third Saturdays): focus on grounds, trash-pick up, stick-pick up, light raking. All abilities welcome.

    • Please dress as outlined below. Gloves are provided or bring your own. Hats and sunscreen are recommended.
    • Ages 8-16 are welcome, but must be supervised by a parent at all times. Ages 16-18 must have a parent or guardian's signature on our permission form (provided at check-in).
    • Refreshments provided. To help cut down on plastics, please bring your own water bottle if possible.
    • Free parking in our lot off Livingston Avenue.

    For your safety, we request that participants agree to the following ACHA safety guidelines annually, listed below. Release forms will be provided on days of event.

    1. I understand safety comes first. I will promptly inform ACHA Staff of any safety issues I have encountered.

    2. I will not run or engage in other activities to compromise my or others’ safety.

    3. I will take care for uneven surfaces and look carefully before stepping into areas of high grass.

    4. I will adopt a section that is safe for me to work in. I will contact ACHA staff to ask for a new location if needed.

    5. I will wear appropriate work gloves (provided or bring your own, no open-toes shoes or sandals). I will wear long pants for work on slopes, and appropriate footwear - boots required on slopes. I will face oncoming traffic and stay well away from traffic and pavement.

    6. I will use heavy-weight gloves for picking up: metal, wire, glass. I will notify ACHA staff immediately when finding hazardous items. I will use good judgement when picking up items that are potentially hazardous, such as pieces of sharp glass or hazardous items. I will notify ACHA staff if I find needles or medical waste, and follow staff member's direction or guidelines for the removal of these items. I will check plant areas for hazardous materials before working/weeding(gloves at all times recommended).

    7. I understand children ages 8-16 and up must be supervised at all times by an adult or guardian. I understand no work on slopes or along roads for children ages 8-16. I agree to supervise any children I may bring with me. Students ages 16-18 may work independently but need to have the written permission of a parent or guardian. Forms will be provided or are available in advance upon request: info@tenbroeckmansion.org

    8. I will represent the ACHA in a positive and respectful manner to our community.

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