Survivors of the Child Welfare System: Fostering Friendships

Survivors of the Child Welfare System: Fostering Friendships

Peer-Led Space for Survivors of the Child Welfare System (18+)

By Peer Support Space, Inc.



About this event

Survivors of the Child Welfare System: Fostering Friendships

This space is currently on PAUSE-- to be added to an update list, please email Lia at

A nonclinical, peer-led space facilitated by Black survivors of the child welfare system for fellow survivors (18+). We exist to lower feelings of isolation and to build a support system with other survivors. We uplift that it’s an oppressive, carceral system and this space is centered around those who have survived it. Join us as we build community and support one another, and hold space for each other to talk about our lived experience in an affirming space. This resource is made possible by a partnership with Peer Support Space.

Community Norms

  • This is a confidential, affirming and peer led gathering for adult survivors of the child welfare system (i.e. adoptees, foster kids, etc) - not a clinical support group or group therapy (or intended to be a replacement for such)
  • In this space we honor people’s experiences - this is not a space to debate, challenge, or resist someone's lived experience as a survivor.
  • Give one another an equal chance to take up space.
  • Honor that what is shared here stays here.
  • Meet your needs as you see fit.
  • When possible, please provide content or trigger warnings for things that may be inflammatory.
  • We uplift that it’s an oppressive, carceral system and this space is centered around those who have survived it.

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