Sunrise Meditation (Mondays, 2024)

Sunrise Meditation (Mondays, 2024)

Start your day with a sunrise mindfulness meditation session, from the comfort of wherever you are! Coffee and pajamas welcome.

By Metaphysical Chapel of Life

Select date and time

Monday, May 27 · 3:45 - 4:45am PDT



Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

This year we will continue planting seeds and cultivating states of clear, open-hearted Presence through a kind and steady witnessing of breath, sensation, sound, thought and emotion. Through a variety of meditations (guided imagery, inner reflection, mantra, silent) we will continue listening to our body, heart.and and mind.

The meditation hour includes:
- a check-in question for each person: "How am I arriving this morning?"
- settling into our practice with chimes and singing bowls
- a 20-30 minute meditation (shared or inspired by various teachers such as Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, Adyashanti, Eckart Tolle, Pema Chodron and many more)
- ending with a brief reading from our current book. (Jack Kornfield's book: A Wise Heart).
- a brief sharing on individual experiences
- a weekly or bi-weekly message circle.

••• All are welcome to join. •••

••• When? •••
Mondays, Thursdays, and now adding Saturdays in 2024
6:45 am to 7:30+ (lasting about 45-60 minutes)

••• Where? •••
On Zoom - in the Chapel's Personal Meeting Room (PMR)

••• About Our Facilitator ••• 

Pam McIntyre joined the Chapel April 2018 and is an active chapel member and serving as the Vice President of the Board of Directors in 2024.

Mother of two adult children and retired high school teacher, Pam enjoys roles of mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, teacher, writer, seeker, dreamer and anam cara (Gaelic word for soul friend or guide).

Over the decades, she has explored many spiritual paths which led her where she is today, grounded in 12 step principles, devoted to daily practice of Mindfulness, and training as an Evolutionary Astrologer. She has studied with Evolutionary Astrologer and Spiritual teacher, Ari Moshe Wolfe, and is currently working with Evolutionary Astrologers Martha Hines and Verena Borell in intuiting and understanding the influence of Divine Feminine within the natal birth chart (human psyche). Helping others gain perspective, insight and self-compassion for their own unique Soul journey - this incarnation and past - is an honor. She is deeply grateful for all of it.

Organized by

You'll find no dogma at the Chapel of Life. We strive to operate from the Universal Christ Consciousness, therefore, we accept people as we find them. We don't seek to change anyone. People come to our Chapel because they are free thinkers. They are questioners, and they want to hear a different message than the one played for generations. Something inside of them has said "Wake Up! There's more to life than this." And so they find their way home.
