Summer Solstice Wellness Weekender

Summer Solstice Wellness Weekender

We invite you to celebrate the longest day of the year and National Yoga Day with a beautiful and enriching weekend of wellness.

By Kimpton Canary hotel


Canary Hotel

31 West Carillo Street 93103, Santa Barbara, CA, CA 93103, San

About this event

. Our resident wellness expert Terri Barnett will be curating a weekend centering around rich Yang energy, it’s heat, abundance and vibrancy instilling you with the full power of the sun.


· Join Terri on Thursday 20 on the rooftop with a welcome circle, cacao ceremony of letting go and intention setting with yoga, stretch and healing 6pm

· On Friday start your day with a guided sunrise salutations to greet the sun and celebrate the beginning of Summer Solstice followed by meditation, sound healing and summer solstice ceremony and post class nourishing refreshments. 9am – 10am

· Saturday am rooftop yoga, stretch, meditation and sound healing on the rooftop and solstice workshop and post class nourishing refreshments 9am – 10am

· Sunday am rooftop yoga, stretch, meditation and sound healing and post class nourishing refreshments 9am – 10am

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