Summer Solstice Celebration

Summer Solstice Celebration

A Christian celebration marking the changing season & giving thanks for God’s creation. Song, readings, reflection, Eucharist, refreshments.

By St. David's Episcopal Church

Date and time

Wednesday, June 19 · 7 - 8pm PDT


St David's Episcopal Church

7315 North Wall Street Spokane, WA 99208

About this event

  • 1 hour

The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year in our hemisphere. The North Pole is tilted as close as it will be to the sun. It is midsummer, a time to celebrate light. The next day will be just a few minutes shorter, and the night a little longer as the balance tips toward autumn.

We mark this day with celebration of God’s extravagance, and we express gratitude for spiritual light and clarity. It is a time to be grateful for vacations and renewal; a time to be thankful for the fruitfulness of the earth, and for the life that comes from the sun.

Christians have long marked the seasons and given thanks. In the Christian church, the feast (or festival) day which is at or near the Summer Solstice is St. John’s Day, marking the birth of John the Baptist, June 24. John was a witness, testifying to the light of Christ that was coming into the world.

At the Summer Solstice worship service we mark the changing seasons and pay attention to nature, to God’s good creation. We begin with brief readings from Christian tradition and contemporary writers, followed by our spoken or silent reflections on the readings. After sharing God’s Peace, we celebrate the Great Thanksgiving or Eucharist. We complete the evening with light refreshments and fellowship.

St. David’s is an open and affirming community. You are welcome!

Frequently asked questions

Where should I park?

Our parking lot is on the south side of the church. There are driveways from Wall St. and Monroe St. We do not have a bicycle rack; bicycles should be brought into the front entrance to be secure.

Is the church wheelchair-accessible?

Yes! The east side of the front porch is ramped from the sidewalk. Designated parking is at the east end of the parking lot, near the Wall St. entrance.

Can I bring children to the event?

Absolutely! They are welcome to be with you.

What sort of music do you do?

Meditative music for quiet times of reflection. Often we have a guest harpist. Our sung chants and songs are simple, accompanied by piano and hand drum, and sometimes other instruments.

What if I don't want to take Communion?

Not a problem at all. Instead of taking the bread or the wine, just cross your arms over your chest and we'll know you choose not to partake. No one will mind.

What sort of refreshments are provided?

After the service we serve a selection of finger-food snacks and simple beverages in the back of the church. The selection varies, as it's potluck provided by our members and regular attendees.

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