Study Sesh

Study Sesh

This is open space for Atlanta's creative community to connect and hang out.

By CreateATL

Select date and time



900 Murphy Avenue Southwest Atlanta, GA 30310

About this event

Atlanta needs space for creatives to simply exist. In 2024, CreateATL will open its doors to creatives of all stripes for nightly hours on Mondays from 5-10pm. Some nights will include small programming spinoffs including but not limited to spoken word, art workshops, dance and music events. You can participate or simply find a cozy corner and doodle the night away amid like-minded folks.

Frequently asked questions

Is this event actually free?

Yes! We want to make sure there is open, safe space for the people that are behind Atlanta's creative and cultural economy. No membership is required to participate, there are no entry fees, and there is even an endless supply of free Red Bull.

How does it work?

CreateATL is a membership-based community collaboration space. On Monday nights however, our tables, second monitors, cozy nooks and booths, refreshments and tunes are open to the creative community.

Parking and Directions

There is limited parking (about 24 space on the property), but we are accessible via MARTA across the street and the BeltLine down the block both within 1200 feet of. CreateATL. There is a bike rack located in the back by the ZipCar pickup area.

Is drinking allowed? Is there food?

We do not have a liquor license, but BYOB is permitted within reason and responsibility. We do not carry alcoholic beverages but our Grab-and-Go fridge includes local seltzers, sodas, kombucha, coffee and small snacks.

Are these events staffed?

Yes, one of our awesome community managers is on-site to answer your questions or point out anything you need to make your session as perfect as possible.

Can I host an event during these times?

Yes! We strongly encourage Atlanta's arts and cultural programming organizations to host free diversions in the lobby that can include, but are not limited to: spoken word, open mics, vision boarding, drawing, dance, music, and art workshops. Please reach out to for details.

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