Strong Moms

Strong Moms

Come workout in the park and get stronger together. Get ready to sweat, build strength and increase mobility outdoors. All are welcome.

By Build and Recover with Jenna


Margaret Corbin Plaza

Margaret Corbin Plaza New York, NY 10040

About this event

Welcome to Strong Moms!

Come join us for a fun and empowering workout surrounded by community and outdoors. We will build strength, sweat, and stretch together along with the music. All ages, abilities, and genders welcome. No equipment required, mat reccommended.

Frequently asked questions

Will yoga mats be provided?

Yoga mats are not currently provided. It is recommended to bring your own, or get comfy in the grass.

Do I need to bring equipment?

Circle bands will be provided! Feel free to bring your own if you have one. Not required.

Do I have to be a mom to attend?

No. All humans, all ages, and all gender identities are welcome at this event.

What if I have trouble with high impact?

Anything we do in class can be modified or progressed. Let your instructor know if you have injuries or limitations and the beginning of class.

Can I attend if I am currently pregnant?

Yes! Jenna is a prenatal certified coach and can help make any adjustments necessary by trimester. You are in good hands! And working out is good for you and for your baby.

Who is my instructor?

Check out Jenna's bio here!

Organized by

Jenna Haimes Veale, NASM CPT, CES, Pronatal certified Trainer, NCI Nutrition Coach.