Storytime In The Park

Storytime In The Park

Join us for some family fun at Naftzger Park in Wichita with Storytime In The Park! Enjoy a story, snacks, an activity, and free books!

By Storytime Village, Inc.


Naftzger Park

601 East Douglas Avenue Wichita, KS 67202


10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Book and Snack Distribution

Feel free to pick up a few books to take home and add to your at-home library. We will also be providing snacks for you and your little ones to enjoy!

10:15 AM - 10:30 AM


Each Storytime In The Park features a new and exciting storyteller!

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM


Wichita Park and Recreation

Each story includes an activity that corresponds with the book. We have hosted various types of activities like arts & crafts, pumpkin painting, and even cupcake decorating!

About this event

    Welcome to Storytime In The Park! We love bringing together families and the Wichita community at our events held in Naftzger Park. Our talented storytellers read captivating books aloud to children, followed by a special book distribution where kids get to bring a book home to add to their personal library. To make it even more exciting, we offer free snacks and fun activities for everyone to enjoy. We can't wait to see you there!

    Organized by

    The mission of Storytime Village, Inc. is to inspire a lifelong love of reading for underserved Kansas children from birth to age 8.