Stone Soup Community Circle- Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius!

Stone Soup Community Circle- Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius!

Share a little of your spark to create something deliciously new, nourish yourself and others!

By Pull It Off, LLC


The Haven, Metaphysical Health Store

2531 South Shields Street #Unit 2F Fort Collins, CO 80526


5:30 PM - 5:45 PM

5:30- 5:45pm: Greetings, social time, discounted shopping.

5:45 PM - 7:15 PM

5:45-7:15pm: Set ritual space, circle shares.

7:15 PM - 7:30 PM

7:15-7:30pm: Connections, goodbyes, discounted shopping.

About this event

Join us for this month's Stone Soup Community Circle!

*Circle will be an inclusive, supportive, non-judgmental place in order to practice the high sensation of being seen. All are welcome and all expressions will be celebrated!

As we transition out of this tranquil Taurus energy, all eyes on Gemini!

The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter will be joining up in airy, trickster Gemini for this Stone Soup Community Circle, while the Moon reflects her light from expansive, curious Sagittarius.

This joyful, exuberant moon will add some flare to the whimsical perception of Gemini season. We will want to tell our stories, and search for each others' secrets hiding under the surface. This energy is great for expanding connections and understanding within our community.

Here's how it works:

Each month will have a different theme, based on the above astrological weather.

Come to circle prepared to share something with the group- it can be anything- a poem you wrote, piece of artwork, a craft, baked treats, homemade incense, oracle cards, a meditation, a dream, a story, psychic synchronicities, dance, movement, breathwork, teas, tinctures, wear a costume- literally ANYTHING that your heart wants to express, related to the Astro weather. Then, you vulnerably share this in our circle. Everyone gets a chance to contribute their own "ingredient," so each circle will be different, every circle will be fun!

(**Note, we are not making literal soup. Usually. :))

We know- it's incredibly scary to put yourself out there and share part of your innermost self. The high sensations that come with showing up this way are part of the medicine- part of the magick we will create together! This is how you manifest your desires. Face your fears, and do it anyway!

(Disclaimer: We understand that you may not be ready/able to prepare and share EVERY circle. Sometimes it's appropriate to show up and say "All I have to contribute today is my presence and my witnessing." But still show up! If it becomes a habit and people are consistently showing up without contributing, admins will gently reach out with encouragement to participate greater.)


5:30- 5:45pm: Greetings, social time, discounted shopping.

5:45-7:15pm: Set ritual space, circle shares.

7:15-7:30pm: Connections, goodbyes, discounted shopping.

*The Haven is happy to offer 10% discounted shopping 15 minutes before and after our circles!

Cost: Free! $5 donation suggested to help pay for our space, but if the cost is prohibitive- don't let it stop you, PLEASE come anyway!

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