Start A Financial Literacy Business (Part Time)-  New Orleans, LA

Start A Financial Literacy Business (Part Time)- New Orleans, LA

Financial Success and Financial Freedom is attainable, and doable when you position yourself to win. All you need is a winning system.

By James Richard


NOLA Financial Education Center

824 ELMWOOD PARK BLVD. Suite 110 New Orleans, LA 70123

About this event

Want to discover how you can make over $100,000 a year by helping people with their finances in an ethical way over time.

Then you won’t want to miss this zoom event.

You can succeed at this even if you currently know nothing about money or business, as long as you are willing to learn, and take action.

You will discover:

Why starting a financial literacy business is a fantastic opportunity right now

How to quickly get the financial knowledge and business skills you need to succeed

How you can make six-figures by serving others over time.How to quickly overcome your doubt, fear, and procrastination

You can start and grow your own financial literacy business while you keep your day job so you can make a smooth transition from corporate employee to thriving entrepreneur.

If you are curious how this is possible…

If you are ready to take your life to the next level and become your own boss...

If you want more income, impact, freedom, and fulfillment…

Then register now.

This is an online zoom event so you can watch it from anywhere. After you register here on Eventbrite you will receive email reminders with the link to join the zoom event.

Be sure to have a paper and pencil ready since you will want to take a lot of notes.

Together we can help improve the financial lives of millions of people.

See you on the zoom event!


James Richard Jr.

National Financial Educator/Financial Professional

8 44-533-0151

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