SRSU - Gain Confidence on Camera for Job Seekers

SRSU - Gain Confidence on Camera for Job Seekers

Gain the skills needed to impress hiring managers, secure job offers, and take your career to new heights.

By Stefanie Small and Tara Blau Smollen

Date and time

Tuesday, April 30 · 2 - 3:30pm PDT



About this event

How to Ace Virtual Job Interviews!

Showing up on camera is required for everything these days - check-ins with Grandma, chats with friends, your classes, and, yes, professional Job Interviews!

And while your friends and family will love you no matter what you're wearing or if your roommates are playing video games in the background, those things (and so many others) tell a story to your future employer that you're not ready for a job.

Welcome to Gain Confidence on Camera for Job Seekers—an interactive LIVE CLASS with 2 interview and presentation professionals that will get you a full step more polished and ready for your next interview.

Meet your mentors, Tara Blau Smollen and Stefanie Small, who will guide you through mastering camera angles, setting up your lighting, and preparing so that you look, feel, and present your work with confidence from the beginning of the interview.

Your camera presence is crucial to getting a job!

- First impressions are everything in the virtual world.

- Professionalism online shows you mean business.

- You want to stand out from the crowd, not blend in.

- A polished online persona boosts your confidence.

- Employers want to see that you can handle the digital workspace like a pro, because how you represent yourself is how they expect you’ll represent them.

Afterward, you’ll also get cheat sheets, reminders, and some shopping suggestions for optional supplies to amplify your set up.

This class will help put you on a level playing field with the other candidates. You’ll be more at ease so your work (and not your nerves) will shine online!

But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It:

"Class was very accessible, and I learned quite a bit. Stefanie and Tara's approach is gentle, which is great, because people, especially women, often feel self-conscious on Zoom. This class definitely made me feel more confident!" – Carissa D, Chicago, IL

“I wasn't sure I needed this class initially, but I'm so glad I did it anyway. They got into way more detail than I ever thought about and I feel more aware of how to set myself up on camera now. Thanks!" – Matt S, San Francisco, CA

“Stefanie and Tara taught me valuable technical skills and their exercises instilled confidence in me.” – Vicky B., San Francisco, CA

About the hosts:

Tara Blau Smollen is an award-winning actor, director and theater professor. She holds an MFA in Acting from the National Theater Conservatory in Denver and has worked extensively Off-Broadway and in regional theater across the US.

Web Strategist and Media Producer Stefanie Small has worked a lifetime as a storyteller - in front of the camera, onstage, and behind the scenes. She is currently retained by solopreneurs and businesses who are looking to launch or refresh the professional brand online.

Frequently asked questions

Are job interviews really all online?

Pretty much! Over 80% of the first round of job interviews are now done over the computer. Sometimes there’s not even a person on the other end…it’s just a prompt on screen and you’re expected to record your answer.

What if I get really bad nerves on camera?

You can reduce your nerves about appearing on camera with some prep and a practice. We’ll go over it in class so you feel confident and at ease going into your next interview.

What if I can't afford extra gear?

No problem. You really don’t need any extra gear for an online interview. You need some basic training about how to use the format to your advantage. We’ve got you covered.

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