Soul Haven: Empowered Perspective on your Past, Present, and Future

Soul Haven: Empowered Perspective on your Past, Present, and Future

Support your soul’s journey and align with the truth within.

By Alchemy of Insights

Date and time

Monday, June 10 · 11am - 12pm PDT



Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

In our weekly Soul Haven Kimberly will help guide you home to yourself and align with the truth that lives inside of you. Soul Haven sessions will provide you with a source of healing, guidance, and insight.

The one-hour session will include a guided visualization and uplifting energetic transmission for the group based on the themes coming up for the group present. In addition, Kimberly will help you access guidance, healing, and insights to support you on your own soul’s journey.

You may wish to bring an open-ended question to the Soul Haven. For example, “What’s important to know about (topic) at this time?” or “What is in my highest good to release at this time?” All levels of experience are welcome in this Soul Haven experience; come exactly as you are.

Kimberly will offer an empowered and fresh perspective leveraging her own journey into the spiritual and mystical in practical ways. She’ll bring her years of experience working with aspects of the higher self and her insights as a master healer and Akashic Records consultant.

All sessions are one-hour long and utilize Zoom technology. Space is limited. We request participants be in a quiet space where they can be present and on webcam.

Please be on time. Doors will close at :05 minutes past the hour.

About Kimberly

Kimberly has spent hundreds of hours and traveled thousands of miles to delve into the realms of energy healing and intuitive work. She’s an ICF certified life and executive coach, Traditional Usui and Shamanic Reiki Master healer, Akashic Records certified master healer and consultant, and Intuitive trained at Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Sciences.

Kimberly’s coaching career began with her experiences living and working in Berlin in the 1990's. Since then, she’s over half of her career living and working across cultures in places like Koblenz, and Berlin Germany, Venice, Italy and Amman, Jordan. She’s worked in over 40 countries and has helped many of the world’s Fortune 500 organizations, teams, and leaders turn their ambitions into action.

Kimberly’s greatest passion is in teaching and facilitating workshops on a wide range of topics related to bridging the spiritual and the practical. She serves clients around the world daily and is affectionately called “The Shepherd of the Heart” by her students.

Kimberly is also a writer, a stand-up comedian, and a mother of 2 teens. Kimberly resides in Santa Monica, California.


Thank you so much for that! Your voice is like butter and really helps invite people (me) into the calm state. Tina, Los Angeles, California

Kimberly created a safe and playful container where I felt held in a non-judgmental and compassionate space/embrace.
– Lynn, New York

It was magic! Thank you so much, Kimberly, for your inspiring work!
– Janka., Germany

Your workshop touched my heart and soul! You are light and such an empowering and clear, patient spirit. The moment I walked in I felt at home, and I felt how passionate you were about meeting us where we all are on our own individual paths.

The day was structured in a way I could take away so many things, including accessing the Akashic Records which gave me more clarity on some of my questions I had about my life. I also appreciated the tools/ games to hone my intuition. AND YOUR HUMOR made the hours just fly by.

I have so far accessed the records and see deep connections to another tool I am working with. The Truth is all within us and your gift of helping us get more in touch with it is needed and valued.

F.S., Choreographer, Zurich, Switzerland

Organized by

Alchemy of Insights™ offers online events to encourage, support, and promote positive awareness, expanded perception, heightened consciousness, wellness, comfort & healing.