Solstice Serenity Retreat in Hollywood Beach, Florida

Solstice Serenity Retreat in Hollywood Beach, Florida

Our Solstice Serenity retreat offers a unique blend of holistic experiences designed to reconnect you with the serene depths of your spirit.

By Dr. Gabby

Date and time

June 21 · 5pm - June 23 · 12pm EDT


3501 N Ocean Dr

3501 North Ocean Drive Hollywood, FL 33019

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Fri, June 21 - Opening Reception

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Fri, June 21 - Sand Mandala Workshop and Full Moon Beach Circle

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Sat, June 22 - Sunrise Yoga

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Sat, June 22 - Breakfast

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Sat, June 22- Happiness Workshop

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Sat, June 22 - Somatic Release

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Sat, June 22 - Lunch

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Sat, June 22 - Nature Excursion

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Sat, June 22 - Mind Body Medicine Workshop

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Sat, June 22 - Boho Beach Dinner

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Sat, June 22 - Beach Dancing

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Sun, June 23 - Sunrise Yoga

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Sun, June 23 - Breakfast

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Sun, June 23 - Closing Ceremony

About this event

  • 1 day 19 hours

Our Solstice Serenity retreat offers a unique blend of holistic experiences designed to disconnect you from the external chaos and reconnect you with the serene depths of your soul.

Friday, June 21

Opening Reception

Mix and mingle with our esteemed facilitators who are here to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and transformation. Engage in lively conversations and meaningful connections with fellow guests who, like you, are seekers of serenity.

Experience the Magic of the Solstice

Greet the longest day of the year with reverence as we gather on the sandy shores for a mesmerizing Sand Mandala Workshop and Full Moon Beach Circle. Soak in the magic of the moment and embrace the luminous energy of this special time of year.

Saturday, June 22

Awaken Your Body and Spirit

As the sun paints the sky with hues of gold and pink, immerse yourself in the ancient practice of Sunrise Yoga. Feel the energy of the earth beneath your feet and the warmth of the sun on your skin as you welcome the dawn of a new day.

Nourish Your Mind and Heart

Engage in our Happiness Workshop, where you'll explore the art of cultivating joy and gratitude in your daily life. Through guided reflection and interactive exercises, discover the power of positivity and unlock the secrets to lasting happiness.

Reconnect with Nature's Wisdom

Embark on a nature excursion, as we venture into the pristine wilderness surrounding our retreat oasis. Let the sights, sounds, and scents of the natural world awaken your senses and inspire a profound sense of awe and wonder.

Dancing under the Stars

Together, we dance under the open sky, merging with the elements and embracing the ecstasy of the moment. With every movement, let go of inhibitions and allow the music to guide your body in a spontaneous expression of joy and freedom.

Sunday, June 23

Rise and Shine

Awaken your body, mind, and spirit with Sunrise Yoga amidst the serene expanse of the beach. With each sun salutation, let the gentle lull of the waves and the soft caress of the ocean breeze deepen your practice.

Heal Through the Power of Words

In our Writing as Medicine Workshop, delve into the therapeutic art of expressive writing as a means of self-discovery and healing. Through guided prompts and supportive guidance, tap into your inner wisdom and unleash the transformative power of storytelling.

Closing Ceremony

As the retreat comes to a close, we celebrate our connections—connection to yourself, to nature, and to kindred spirits on the path to wellness and self-discovery. As we bid farewell, we carry the light of solstice serenity within us, illuminating our paths with newfound clarity and purpose.

Our master teachers are the heart of this retreat:

Michell Llovet is a Licensed Health Coach and 200hr Yoga Teacher. Michell first discovered yoga as a college athlete and used it to heal and recover physically. Through the years, Michell began to dig deeper into the history and practice of yoga for emotional balance, spiritual alignment, and physical growth. Michell Llovet also used yoga to assist her in losing over 90 LBS in 18 months. As a Health Coach Michell can get your mind strong to be able to instill consistency and to build your willpower while getting healthier overall.

Jaime Nolan is a life and business coach, the CEO of The Anima Collective and all-around magical human. With over 20 years of experience helping people discover their true potential, she is dedicated to empowering her clients to take action and achieve their wildest dreams. With a focus on action and accountability, she helps people tap into their inner strength and take bold steps toward the life they’ve always wanted. Originally hailing from New York, she has called Miami home for 20 years, with her husband and three teenage daughters.

Frequently asked questions

Where should I stay?

We recommend staying at the nearby Hollywood Beach Marriott, which is walking distance from Passion for Wellness Center. Accommodations are approximately $300/night - 1 bed or 2 beds per room. We can help you find a roommate if you'd like shared accommodations.

Organized by

Gabrielle Pelicci, Ph.D. “Dr. Gabby” completed her doctoral work in Transformative Studies with a dissertation on Life Stories of Women Healers. During her 20+ year career, Dr. Gabby has taught hundreds of students and clients proven strategies for positive change in life and work. She has been a University Professor of Integrative and Holistic Medicine since 2007.  She was named one of the Top 100 Women of the Future in 2022 and her first book, All This Healing is Killing Me, is a #1 Amazon Bestseller.