Social Run

Social Run

Come join =PR= Run and Walk Arlington for the first social run/walk of 2024! Meet great people, and work on fitness goals together!

By =PR= Run and Walk


4238 Wilson Blvd ste 1235, Arlington, VA 22203, USA

4238 Wilson Boulevard #ste 1235 Arlington, VA 22203

About this event

Social Run

Join us for an exciting and energizing Social Run event on Every Tuesday at 6:30 PM (EST)! Lace up your running shoes and get ready to hit the pavement with fellow fitness enthusiasts.

Location: 4238 Wilson Blvd ste 1235, Arlington, VA 22203, USA

This event is all about fostering connections while staying active. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, this Social Run is the perfect opportunity to meet new people and enjoy a fun workout together.

Our friendly organizers will guide you through a local route, ensuring a memorable experience for everyone. As we embark on this fitness journey, we'll also have plenty of opportunities to chat, share stories, and make lasting friendships.

So, grab your gear and join us for an evening of fun, fitness, and camaraderie at the Social Run event. Let's come together, stay healthy, and enjoy the thrill of running as a community!

Organized by