SoCal Pro-Life Alliance Summit

Registrations are closed

If tickets sales have ended please contact Thomas Lashley. (951-595-0427) or and we can see if we can work something out.

SoCal Pro-Life Alliance Summit

A local Pro-Life Networking Event where SoCal Pro-Life Leaders and Groups can meet to further advance the goal of a Pro-Life World.

By SoCal Pro-Life Alliance

Date and time

Saturday, September 30, 2023 · 10am - 3pm PDT


1201 E Highland Ave

1201 East Highland Avenue San Bernadino, CA 92404

About this event

The Southern California Pro-Life Summit is a networking event for Pro- Life Pastors,Businesses,Politicians, Pregnancy Resource and/or Medical centers, Ministries, Speakers, Organizations, Radio and Media from all over the SoCal area.

The event's purpose is to provide an opportunity for various groups to come together to present themselves and make connections that will lead to future cooperation for saving unborn babies and promoting the culture of life. We invite attendees to set up a table to present themselves, mingle, and speak about their goals and concerns in a post-Roe America.

Frequently asked questions

Can I give a Speech at the Event?

We had to make some rearrangements after we were forced to find a new venue. Any group can give a 5 minute speech if they want at designated times, and still have a table, but this is first come first serve. With a capacity of 12. Contact Thomas Lashley for more details (

Will there be food at the Event?

Yes the Diocese has generously provided a tea, coffee, water, and snack table.

Can I sell Merchandise?

Yes, however guests who sell merchandise are responsible for all sales. If you wish to sell food you may, but you must first contact Thomas Lashley ( who will get you in touch with the facilities manager so he can see your insurance and food handlers information.

Are Children allowed at this Event?

Absolutely not. This Event is meant for Pro-Life Leaders and groups to network, communicate, and support each other for a Pro-Life World to what ever degree they are able and willing based off of their beliefs. Due to the hard nature of this talk we are not allowing anyone below the age of 18 to att

Is this a Private Event?


Will there be security at the Event?


Where is the schedule for the Event?

The link is here. Please keep in mind this may be subject to small alterations.

I am giving a speech when will I talk?

Thomas Lashley is going to send all speakers a schedule after all the speakers have been picked.

How is setup going to work? Where will my table be placed after the Event starts?

There will be attendants at the Event who will help guide you to your designated areas. If need be guests will also be emailed with further details prior to the Event.

Organized by

The Southern California Pro-Life Alliance is a local coalition of Prolifer's in the Southern California area.

Our vision is to Unite the Tribes of Prolifers into a more organized Alliance of Prolifers throughout the Southern California Region. While we may not agree on everything, we believe that most Pro-Lifers will accept the values of being anti-abortion, anti-euthenasia, anti-human trafficking, anti-infanticide, and pro-parental rights, as outlined in our statement of Principles. Together we can Cherish Life and Defend the Innocent, and one day make SoCal, California, the U.S.A., and indeed the entire world life.

Sales Ended