Single Mom Strong's Virtual Village- Monthly Chat!

Single Mom Strong's Virtual Village- Monthly Chat!

Join us for "Virtual Village" events on the first Tuesday of every month and connect with other single moms.

By Single Mom Strong, Inc. a California non-profit organization



About this event

Single moms- we are your village! Join us for "Virtual Village" events on the first Tuesday of every month and connect with other single moms. Single mothers often have so many competing priorities and may not have others to communicate with about their day-to-day life that can relate to their experiences. That's where we come in! We are a community of single moms in support of each other... we GET IT!

Each event will start with a "check-in": How are you feeling? Is there a current challenge in your life that you'd like to discuss with the group? Would you like feedback on something related to parenting, relationships, your career, etc. from other single moms? Please, allow yourself to be open and vulnerable here. We are here to support each other. Feeling great or not quite ready to share? Share a single mom "life hack" or a recent WIN with the group! Then, in true SMS event fashion, we will share and get to know each other with a "Question of the Day" to be chosen by the guest mom moderator. A different mom from the SMS community will moderate the discussion each month.

Whether you have attended an SMS event in the past or not, doesn't matter! ALL single moms are welcome, so join us! NOTE: you must register for the event to have ZOOM meeting details emailed to you.

The Fine Print: Events will be hosted on Zoom- download the FREE Zoom app for your phone or use a computer with a camera. Event registration will close a few hours before the event, so Zoom meeting details can be emailed to attendees on the day of the event. Events will be 45 minutes in length. For events with more than 15 people, the mama moderator will lead the conversation and all others will be muted until they are given the floor. To signal that you are ready to speak, give a thumbs up! Finally, be ready to HAVE SOME FUN!

Organized by

Statistics shows that children of single mothers suffer in a variety of ways and the mothers often find themselves living in poverty and riddled with guilt or frustration. But, we are here to change the statistics.  We believe that single mothers and their children do not have to be negatively impacted by this circumstance. In fact, being "single-mom-strong: having grit and determination; refusing to fail", is not detrimental at all...  raised are used to advance our mission.

It is the mission of Single Mom Strong to create a community of single mothers and children in support of one another, while empowering them to be their best selves, through enrichment, encouragement and educational programs.
