SHE Will Foundation Virtual Art Therapy

SHE Will Foundation Virtual Art Therapy

Join us for SHE Will Foundation Virtual Art Therapy event, where we'll explore the healing power of art from the comfort of your home

By SHE Will Foundation



About this event

Items Needed: Paper and Your Choice of crayons, colored pencils, markers, or paint

Welcome to the colorful world of Art Therapy, where the canvas becomes your mirror and the paintbrush, your storyteller! In our sessions, we embark on a creative journey that transcends words, allowing your emotions, thoughts, and dreams to unfold on paper or canvas. It's like a magical playground where self-expression meets vibrant hues, and every stroke holds the power to whisper the unsaid. We dance with colors, doodle with delight, and sculpt the intangible into tangible masterpieces. It's not about perfection; it's about the joy of exploration, discovery, and the art of finding yourself in the strokes of your imagination. So, grab your creativity passport, and let's paint a picture of self-discovery together! It is expected that every participant has their cameras and microphones on.

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