Selección de cortometrajes # 1

By The Colombian Film Festival

Date and time

Saturday, May 18 · 12 - 1:30pm EDT


Quad Cinema

34 West 13th Street New York, NY 10011

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About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes

Selección de Cortometrajes # 1

Esmeralda. Directora Jennifer Grecco.

Después de vivir en Estados Unidos por años, una joven, Esmeralda, regresa a su tierra natal, Colombia, para confrontar a su madre sobre sus recuerdos traumáticos de la infancia. De vuelta en su barrio, Esmeralda enfrenta los fantasmas de su pasado y aprende a soltar y perdonar, creando un vínculo inquebrantable con su madre.

After living in the US for years, a young woman named Esmeralda returns to her native land, Colombia, to confront her mother about her traumatic childhood memories. Back in her neighborhood, Esmeralda faces the ghosts of her past and learns to let go and forgive by creating an unbreakable bond with her mother.

Pablito. Director Alex Sierra.

Pablito es un joven que trabaja sepultando los cadáveres que deja el conflicto armado colombiano. Lo único que lo aparta de su trabajo es María, con quien quiere ir a las fiestas del pueblo. Pero el conflicto social que asedia la región hará que Pablito confronte su propia visión del mundo.

Pablito is a young man who works burying the corpses left by the Colombian armed conflict. The only thing that takes him away from his work is María, with whom he wants to go to the town's parties. However, the social conflict besieging the region will make Pablito confront his worldview.

La Compañia. Director Raúl Gutiérrez

Argemiro es un hombre soltero de unos cincuenta años, cuya soledad es perturbada por una extraña presencia sobrenatural que habita en su apartamento. Para evitarla, el tipo baja a la recepción del edificio a visitar a Marly, la vigilante del inmueble a quien atemoriza con sus historias de miedo mientras forjan una amistad en tiempos de confinamiento.

Argemiro is a single man in his fifties whose solitude is disturbed by a strange supernatural presence inhabiting his apartment. To avoid it, he visits the building's reception to visit Marly, the building's security guard. He frightens Marly with his scary stories while they forge a friendship during times of confinement.

Reescrito. Director Andrés Molano Moncada

Santiago es un guionista en apuros que encuentra su musa, una mujer a la que llama "Raquel", en el edificio de enfrente. Su inspiración es llevada al límite cuando debe elegir entre escribir sobre Raquel o salvarla de morir.

Santiago is a struggling screenwriter who finds his muse, a woman he names "Raquel," in the building across the street. His inspiration is pushed to the limit when choosing between writing about Raquel or saving her from dying.

Framed in Time. Directora Camila Arriaga Torres

Mientras completa su discurso de jubilación, un Coronel del Ejército descontento y su esposa deben enfrentarse al reciente diagnóstico de Alzheimer de ella y a los recuerdos de traiciones pasadas, reabriendo viejas heridas para poder sanarlas

While completing his retirement speech, a disgruntled Army Colonel and his wife must confront her recent Alzheimer's diagnosis and memories of past betrayals, reopening old wounds to heal them.

Junior tu papá. Director Daniel Díaz

En esta oda al fútbol y a la región Caribe de Colombia, Daniel, un cineasta colombiano-británico, recuerda su primera memoria del deporte que ama: la final del 1993 entre el Junior de Barranquilla y el América de Cali, que vio en un VHS con su padre en Londres. A través de conversaciones entre Daniel, su padre y dos tíos, JUNIOR TU PAPÁ reúne fragmentos de memoria menguante para recordar colectivamente un momento de la historia de Colombia en el que el fútbol era una obsesión nacional. Una distracción de la violencia implacable que enfrentó el país mientras la selección era considerada una de las mejores del mundo.

In this ode to soccer and the Caribbean region of Colombia, Daniel, a Colombian-British filmmaker, recalls his first memory of the sport he loves: the 1993 final between Junior de Barranquilla and América de Cali, which he watched on a VHS with his father in London. Through conversations between Daniel, his father, and two uncles, JUNIOR TU PAPÁ brings together fragments of fading memory to collectively remember a moment in Colombia's history when soccer was a national obsession. It was a distraction from the relentless violence the country faced while the national team was considered one of the best in the world.

Unless we dance. Directores Hanz Rippe Gabriele & Fernanda Pineda Palencia

En Quibdó, una ciudad con las tasas de homicidio más altas de Colombia, Jonathan y cientos de jóvenes se unen a través del baile para enfrentar el brutal destino de la violencia.

In Quibdó, a city with the highest homicide rates in Colombia, Jonathan and hundreds of young people come together through dance to face the brutal fate of violence.

Organized by

For many years the film industry in Colombia has often lacked the resources to produce national cinema. Among several setbacks, was the absence of a national audience who demanded Hollywood films. In recent years, Colombia has expanded its resources to support filmmakers throughout the country, since then the number of productions has increased dramatically. Juan Carvajal founded the Colombian Film Festival of New York in 2012. He noticed the small presence of Colombian cinema while visiting New York City. Determined to unify the existing diaspora of the country & new york community he set a goal to create a festival dedicated to the exhibition of Colombia’s roots and talent. Let’s discover and rediscover our story through film!

From $9.85