Seerah & Fiqh of Salah for High School Students

Seerah & Fiqh of Salah for High School Students

with Ustadh Majed Mahmoud & Shaykh Suleiman Hani


Date and time

July 25 · 6pm - August 29 · 9pm EDT


The Fairlane Club

5000 Fairlane Woods Drive Dearborn, MI 48126

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

  • 35 days 3 hours
  • Seerah of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) - Part 2 Summer 2024

The Seerah is the biography of the greatest human being that ever walked the surface of this Earth, who Allah sent as a Mercy to Mankind. It is filled with many inspiring stories and lessons.

“Modern questions…. Require timeless solutions. And the answers can be found within the Seerah of our Timeless Prophet (SAW). How?

Through stories of how he gave the Prophetic example on how to handle difficult situations, the Prophetic example on how to lead a good life, the Prophetic example that exists as the solution to the struggles of then, now, and forever.”

  • The A-Z of the Fiqh of Salah for High School Students

In this class, we will cover everything you need to know about the most important part of your daily life, Salah (Prayer). Its significance is highlighted by the words of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, who emphasized that the five daily prayers, along with the Friday prayer, serve as expiations for the sins committed between them.

Dates: Every Thursday | July 25 - August 29 | 6:00PM - 9:00PM

Location: The Fairlane Club | 5000 Fairlane Woods Dr. Dearborn, MI 48126

Instructors: Ustadh Majed Mahmoud & Shaykh Suleiman Hani

Bio: &

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Majed Mahmoud is one of the leading activists of Da‘wah in his community. With his heart-touching reminders and soft approach, Majed makes Islam digestible and beloved to people of all ages.

Majed is a shining example for students seeking growth and development within Islamic Studies. He’s the first graduate of AlMaghrib Institute to become one of its instructors, performing exceptionally in over 50 seminars including theology, Islamic jurisprudence, and Quranic Sciences. As Majed travels worldwide lecturing about different aspects of Islam, he works full-time as a mechanical engineer.

He has completed Bachelor’s degree in Islamic Jurisprudence & Legal Theory from Al-Madinah International University. He also has a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Windsor and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Wayne State University.

Majed lives in the United States with his wife and three children.

Shaykh Suleiman Hani is the Director of Academic Affairs at AlMaghrib Institute, a research scholar for Yaqeen Institute, and a resident scholar in Michigan. At the age of 14, Suleiman completed a 10-month Qur’an memorization program and began his intensive studies under numerous scholars, earning dozens of traditional religious certifications in the process. He later earned a master’s degree from the University of Jordan’s College of Shari’ah, ranking first in his class, and a master’s degree from Harvard University, where he studied religions, philosophy, political science, and psychology. Over the past decade, he has served as an Imam and community leader in Michigan, lectured in dozens of countries, published a number of books and articles, and was featured on the largest Islamic TV stations worldwide.

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