Seeking Fungal Friendships in the Forest

Seeking Fungal Friendships in the Forest

Are you curious about fungi & mushrooms? Would you like to take a slow walk through the woods to get to know them? Join us this summer!

By Mycelial Entanglements, LLC


Pike National Forest

Pike National Forest Divide, CO 80814

Refund Policy

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Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

Hi there! My name is Anna and I am a passionate ecologist, mycologist, facilitator, and artist. I am completely enchanted with the world of mycelium we are woven into, especially during mystical moments in the forest. The first time I ever experienced the magic of wild mushrooms was here in the Rocky Mountains, and I want to share that joyful feeling with others.

These guided walks are being led in the hopes of co-creating a wider lens of ecological awareness: one that includes fungi and their allies. We will be meandering, asking mycological questions, and having conversations with the multiplicity of beings around us.

The summer monsoon season here in the high desert brings to life the incredible diversity of more-than-human kin that we share ecosystems with, particularly our rain-dependent mushroom relatives. It is truly a wonder to behold, especially when you slow down and tune in!

If you are curious about fungal names and lifeways, relational practices, reciprocity, and embodiment--or if you have inquisitive kiddos who like to befriend beetles, magpies, mosses, and mushrooms--this offering is for you.

Adult Walks on July 20th, August 13th, August 18th and August 23rd

  1. Walks will take place at one of two locations in the forests of Tava (Sun Mountain), around 10,000 feet in elevation and approx. 1 hour from Colorado Springs.
  2. Carpooling coordination will be encouraged and assisted by the organizer.
  3. Walks will start at approximately 9 am, and will last until approximately 1 pm. With travel time, this makes the entire outing last from around 8 am to around 2 pm.
  4. BYO snacks/lunch, water, sunscreen, and protective wear.
  5. Each offering has space for up to 15 adults.
  6. General Admission: $85 per person

    Family Friendly Walk on July 25th
  1. Points 1-4 from above are the same.
  2. At least one chaperone per two children is required.
  3. Suitable for children 8 years and up.
  4. Please use your own discretion when deciding to bring little ones! As mentioned, the conditions are high altitude and the air is dry. There will be plenty of shade and a creek to cool down in. You know your kids best; think about whether a long day of learning in the mountains is suitable for them.
  5. Offering has space for 10 families total.
  6. Family rate: $95 per family

Frequently asked questions

Can I bring my dog?

Although dogs are wonderful teachers, our walks will benefit from the simplicity of tuning into ourselves while not needing to attune to our animal companions. Thank you for understanding!

What kinds of accessibility accommodations can be made?

These walks are, unfortunately, not suitable for wheelchairs. If you are mobile at a slower pace, we can absolutely adjust to your needs! Anna herself has chronic pain and needs to walk more slowly than most. Please reach out if you require other accommodations and we will happily work with you.

Organized by

$85 – $95