Sales Training | BoldOS

Sales Training | BoldOS

BoldOS | Operating System for Sales Success is a comprehensive sales training and sales leadership workshop.

By Robert Johnson

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About this event

    BoldOS | Operating System for Sales Success is a comprehensive sales training and sales leadership workshop for business owners and sales professionals who are doing great but may sometimes be:

    • Sick & tired of roller coaster sales results with some seasons feeling more like a drought
    • Exhausted from playing the numbers game, wasting time, energy, and money chasing prospects and following up with prospects who are never going to buy anyway
    • Settling with average results and at best wonder if you’re the problem instead of a failed sales process

    If you’ve ever wondered why prospecting sucks for so many sales professionals, why when you ask for referrals they say they’ll have to get back to you, or why you end up giving away all your free information, bids, quotes, and proposals and get sent to voice mail jail instead of closing the big deals, this workshop might be for you.

    In this 1 1/2 hour workshop, you’ll learn…

    • Why old school sales tricks, high-pressure techniques, and outdated processes just aren’t working like they used to
    • How your prospects respond subconsciously to your sales tactics or lack thereof
    • Why the good gal or good guy approach isn’t a scalable sales model, and
    • At a high level, how Bold OS | Operating System for Sales Success measures up. It’s a throw down… Old School vs. Bold School.


    Please be a few minutes early with your camera on in a dedicated location. In order to get the most value, limit distractions and be fully present.

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    Tired of "Old School" Sales & Inconsistent Income? Build a 6-Figure Perpetual Machine (Free Workshop!)

    Are you a high-performing sales professional or business owner who's tired of boom-and-bust sales cycles? Do you crave a system to consistently generate MORE income with LESS effort while truly helping more clients?