Sales Management 2 Days Training in Albuquerque, NM

Sales Management 2 Days Training in Albuquerque, NM

Our classroom and corporate training provides you the opportunity to interact with instructors and benefit from face-to-face instruction.

By Mangates


For venue details reach us at

PH: +1 469 666 9332 Albuquerque, NM 87102

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event


Introduction - A sales management primer

What is your job? Sales Manager Versus Salesman. The perfect salesperson- Activity

Module 1: A Strategic look at sales management

● Sales management - is it strategic or tactical? ● What are my CSF's? - Critical success factors. ● SWOT and PESTLE analysis.

Module 2: Sales Forecasting

● What is forecasting and how it can help sales performance? ● Identify different forecasting methods. ● Follow a simple 4 step process to create a sales forecast. ● Avoid common forecasting pitfalls.

Module 3: Sales Planning

● Setting up your sales strategy. ● Put together the main components of your sales plan. ● Specify sales tactics to achieve strategy. ● Sales planning best practice examples. ● Practical skill practi...

Module 4: Sales performance management

● Setting sales objectives. ● The 3 step sales performance control plan. ● Guidelines for proper sales performance evaluation. ● Handling the underperforming sales team member.

Module 5: Motivating your sales team

● What motivates us? ● Knowing your team inside out. ● Creating a motivating environment for your team. ● Understand the factors that combine and drive personal motivation.

Module 6: Running effective sales meetings

● Effective versus badly run sales meetings ● Planning your sales meeting sequence. ● Successful sales meeting checklist. ● Team huddle versus team meeting.

About this event

Certificate: Course Completion Certificate

Language: English

Duration: 2 Days

Credits: 16

Refreshments: Snacks, Beverages and Lunch included in classroom session

Course Delivery: Classroom

Course Overview:

A successful sales manager's job is to provide clear direction and support to his/her team enabling them to excel and develop to reach their full potential. Sales managers often rise to this position from a successful career in sales. But the skills required of a successful sales manager are quite different from the skills of a sales person which is one of the key points that this program will be focusing on.

This two day program will enable delegates to have a clear understanding of the successful sales manager's responsibilities and how to become more effective in their roles in this challenging competitive business environment of today. Over the period of the course delegates will explore key leadership skills as well as the essential sales managerial skills needed for them to effectively forecast and implement effective sales plans, motivate, monitor and evaluate the performance of their people and provide the required direction and support ensuring measurable sales results from their sales teams.

This course also includes several bonus forms that were designed to help you prepare your sales forecast and complete sales plan. (Forecast data form, Sales plan support form)

Target Audience:

Sales Managers

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of a sales manager
  • Learn skills to achieve better results through their teams using sales plans and targeting techniques
  • Clearly understand how to prepare a sales forecast and a sales plan for their sales operation
  • Properly observe, evaluate and give feedback to team members and set performance development objectives using assessment tools supplied and provided within the training program
  • Explore ways to motivate their sales teams and create a more motivating environment.
  • Run more effective sales meetings and morning huddles to inspire and motivate and provide clear direction to their sales team members.


There are no formal prerequisites.

Course Materials:

Students will receive a course manual with presentation slides and reference materials.

Technical Requirements:

For eBooks:

Internet for downloading the eBook

Laptop, tablet, Smartphone, eReader (No Kindle)

Adobe DRM supported software (e.g. Digital Editions, Bluefire Reader)

eBook download and activation instructions


Once after the training you receive course completion certificate from Mangates.

Telephone Debt Collection Workshop: This one day program is specifically designed for debt collection call center agents and credit department staff who deal with customers with outstanding or overdue debts. It introduces a plethora of specific debt collection best practice and negotiation techniques to help collection staff handle challenging collection conversations more professionally with debtors and customers with overdue payments and collect more overdue debts.

Change Management Practitioner Workshop: The Change Management Practitioner course provides participants with a thorough understanding of the Principles of Change Management. This course is aimed to get a deep understanding of why change happens, how change happens, and what needs to be done to make change a more welcoming and achievable concept.

This course builds on the essentials of Change Management presented in the Change Management Foundation course. The valuable knowledge base offered with this course in the program enables participants to apply many proven approaches and techniques to “real world” change processes.

This course is based on the acclaimed book, “The Effective Change Manager’s Handbook ” which provides an opportunity to attain certification for Change Management Practitioner issued by APMG-International.

Problem Management Professional Workshop: The HDI Problem Management Professional certification is intended for those who wish to gain a working knowledge of industry Best Practices related to problem Management. It is ideal for IT professionals who are working or are planning to work within problem Management, whether in a technical, managerial, or operational role.

The responsibilities of problem Management professionals vary from organization to organization, but they often include: assisting with the planning and implementation of the problem Management Process; performing both reactive and proactive problem Management; prioritizing and categorizing problems; investigating and diagnosing the problems; coordinating and/or executing root cause analysis; developing workarounds; and proposing changes to resolve issues.

The HDI Problem Management Professional Certification Standard is based on the concepts, Principles, and Best Practices found in various ITSM frameworks, including ITIL, ISO/IEC 20000, and COBIT.

Professional Selling Skills Workshop: Many sales people fall into the trap of talking too much. They just can’t wait to tell customers all about the features or benefits their product/service will bring or how great their company is without first understanding the needs and desires of the customer which is not the best approach to selling.

This two day extensive sales training program will guide participants towards uncovering the “Right” skill set and mind set a professional sales person should possess. From controlling conversations with customers to asking the right questions to uncover customer’s needs, this program will enhance sales staff’s ability to connect better with customers, overcome objections and close the sale confidently and effectively delivering commercial and sales objectives.

Presentation Skills Workshop: Anyone that currently presents or is due to present to small or large groups.

In a survey carried out amongst experienced, middle and senior executives, designed to determine the things that they feared most, public speaking came out as number one. Death was eighth on the list! So, most of us would rather die than stand up and present!

This session will provide you with the ideas and techniques to help them feel more confident about presenting, and will help you to become an effective presenter.

Public Speaking Workshop: According to a 1973 survey by the Sunday Times of London, 41% of people list public speaking as their biggest fear. Forget small spaces, darkness, and spiders, standing up in front of a crowd and talking is far more terrifying for most people. Through this workshop your participants will become more confident and relaxed in front of an audience which will translate into a successful speaking event.

However, mastering this fear and getting comfortable speaking in public can be a great ego booster, not to mention a huge benefit to your career. The Public Speaking workshop will give participants some basic public speaking skills, including in-depth information on developing an engaging program and delivering their presentation with power.

Time Management Workshop: Personal time management skills are essential for professional success in any workplace. Those able to successfully implement time management strategies are able to control their workload rather than spend each day in a frenzy of activity reacting to crisis after crisis – stress declines and personal productivity soars! These highly effective individuals are able to focus on the tasks with the greatest impact to them and their organization.

The Time Management workshop will cover strategies to help participants learn these crucial strategies. Your participants will be given a skill set that includes personal motivation, delegation skills, organization tools, and crisis management. We”ll cover all this and more during this workshop.

10 Soft Skills You Need Workshop: The meaning of Soft Skills can sometimes be difficult to describe. It can be that unique attribute or characteristic that facilitates great communication. It can be the special way that you show confidence in a challenging situation. The events can become more easily managed with this great workshop.

With our 10 Soft Skills You Need workshop your participants will begin to see how important it is to develop a core set of soft skills. By managing and looking at the way people interact and seeing things in a new light, your participants will improve on almost every aspect of their career.

Emotional Intelligence Workshop: Emotional intelligence describes the ability to understand one’s own feelings. It also provides great insight on how emotion influences motivation and behavior. The concepts of Emotional Intelligence have been around since the early 20th century, but the term was first introduced by Wayne Payne in 1985.

With our Emotional Intelligence workshop you will gain a better understanding of self-management and self-awareness. This in turn will give you better insight and control over your actions and emotions. With a greater understanding of emotions you will experience a positive impact on your professional and personal lives.

Presentation Skills - Professional Workshop: In today’s professional world many things are seen as a “given”. Every individual is expected to perform above average in its area of expertise and it is given that they will excel in interpersonal skills, including presentation and communication skills. Unfortunately this is not the norm. Presentations skills can be developed over time through practice and experience. However, without proper guidance and advice, anyone may develop wrongdoings that may unconsciously negatively impact the desired outcome; whether to entertain or educate the audience, or succeed in “selling” an specific idea or project.

The course is tailored according to the specific needs of each participant or group as per the intake. After the course, participants will gain expertise in the following skill areas:

Teamwork Skills: Communicating Effectively in Groups Workshop: Effective teamwork and group communication are essential for your professional and personal success. In this course you will learn to: make better decisions, be more creative and innovative, manage conflict and work with difficult group members, negotiate for preferred outcomes, improve group communication in virtual environments, develop a better overall understanding of human interaction, and work more effectively as a team. Our goal is to help you understand these important dynamics of group communication and learn how to put them into practice to improve your overall teamwork.

Train-The-Trainer Workshop: Whether you are preparing to be a professional trainer, or you are someone who does a bit of training as a part of their job, you always want to be prepared. Your participants will understand that training is a process where skills, knowledge, and attitudes are applied in a unique way.

Our Train-The-Trainer workshop will provide your participants the skills to help them deliver engaging and compelling workshops. Skills such as facilitating, needs analyses, and managing tough topics will give your trainees what they require to become a trainer themselves.

Conflict Management Workshop: Disagreements, differences of opinion and conflicting perspectives on key issues inevitably arise in any context where people are working together.

Research has shown that workplace conflicts can become highly destructive. Negative emotions may be stirred up, poisoning team morale, creating stress and destroying relationships.

Conflict may emerge between managers and their staff, between team members or departments.

Conflict may be expressed openly, but it may also be hidden, in the form of irritation, resentment, loss of morale and lack of commitment. Hidden conflict is easy to miss and therefore can be particularly damaging.

Crisis Management Workshop: A good crisis management process will help identify threats to an organisation, its stakeholders and customers as well as providing structure to deal with a crisis when it does occur. Managing a crisis effectively will help ensure that any damage to an organisation is limited and that in post crisis the business can develop and grow.

This crisis management training is designed for anyone who might have to deal with or be prepared for a crisis within their organisation. This could mean members of the crisis management team or simply managers within the organisation that should have a strong awareness of the process and requirements for dealing with a crisis.

Limit the risk and manage the damage with these crisis management training course materials.

Effective Vendor Management Workshop: Your relationship with your vendors can often make or break a project baseline. In this short course, you will learn best practices for managing the vendor relationship from initiation to close, including documenting requirements, negotiating contract terms, and evaluating proposals. You’ll learn how and why to establish clearly defined roles and responsibilities between you and your vendors.

Frequently asked questions

What Does Mangates provide me on the day of the course?

We provide Course Materials, Lunch/Beverages and Course Completion Certificate.

If I cancel my Enrollment, how can I claim my Refund?

You can request a refund by sending an email to and within 7-14 working days you get your money back.

How do I enroll in a course?

You can reach us at or enroll through our website.

Is the course available online or in-person?

We host the training through both the platform, Online and Classroom. The virtual training option can be chosen by busy professionals.

What is the duration of the course?

The duration of the training is 8 hours. The training will run from 9 AM to 5 PM.

Do you provide group discount?

Yes, we do provide great discount for the group registration. To enquire, reach us at

Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the training?

Once you complete the training, you will receive a globally recognized Course Completion Certificate.

Can I switch my registration to different course if required?

Yes. You can switch your registration to a different course with a week prior notice.

Are your instructors are qualified and certified?

Our subject matter experts are from relevant industries and are certified.

How many credits will I be eligible for?

You will be credited with 8 PDUs on completion of this training.

Organized by

Mangates Tech Solutions is one of the Leading Education Industry, We Developed a more advanced, applied level of Training programs. We Designed High Quality Training programs and you can expect the same learning Experience, this made us stand out above the competition.

From $1,195