Salary Negotiation: Get Paid What You're Worth

Salary Negotiation: Get Paid What You're Worth

There are many ways to discuss compensation. Let us show you how to make them understand your worth.

By Launch Pad Job Club



About this event

You've made it past the screener interview, past the panel interview, past the "last round" and NOW the company is ready to make you an offer. Hurray! Before jumping on their offer, learn how to negotiate the salary and total compensation (vacation; sick days; stock options; hybrid work, etc.) you deserve for the value you bring with your education and/or years of experience and/or specific skills.

Here is the Zoom login information as Eventbrite and Zoom don't always "talk" to one another. Suggest copying and pasting into an appt. on your calendar:

Join Zoom Meeting:

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 873 5677 9536 Passcode: 842660

Join the job club any Friday. Our meetings are FREE and OPEN TO ALL. For meeting details, visit the Events tab on our website:

Organized by

Shannon Mantrom is Executive Director of Launch Pad Job Club and runs the daily operations of the club. Shannon's background is in sales and event coordination. She hopes you'll attend the weekly meeting if in need of direction for your job search, and to have a community of fellow job seekers to lean on during a difficult time. As our founder, Kathy Lansford-Powell, says, "Searching for a job is too scary to do on your own."