Safety in Intimacy

Safety in Intimacy

A platonic touch event focused on consent communication, creating safety in intimacy, and healing from touch/consent trauma.

By Align & Spiral, LLC

Date and time

Friday, June 7 · 6:45 - 10:30pm EDT


Sacred Roots NC

5801 Simpson Rd Charlotte, NC 28216

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


6:45 PM - 7:00 PM

Settling In

Bring a snack to share, a cup for tea or cacao. Chat, settle in, get comfortable.

7:05 PM - 7:30 PM

Opening Circle--DOORS CLOSE AT 7:05.

Open Circle-it's MANDATORY. We will go over introductions and rules for consent and engagement.

7:30 PM - 8:00 PM

The Trauma Response

We will discuss the trauma response and how it impacts ability to communicate for touch and consent.

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Connection Activities and Exercises

We will go through a series of engaging connection and touch activities to build trust and group rapport. Each activity is OPTIONAL. Some rounds of activities, participants may choose to simply obse...

10:00 PM - 10:30 PM

Group Discussion & Closing Circle

This is an opportunity for participants to journal or speak openly on their experiences and insights from the night.

10:30 PM - 10:45 PM

Clean Up and Go Home

Gather our things and go home.

About this event

  • 3 hours 45 minutes

As humans we need safe touch. For many, getting that need met can feel unsafe or unattainable.

This event focuses on consent communication, speaking our needs and personal boundaries, and respecting the boundaries of others. We will discuss the trauma response and its role in touch interactions. Then, we will practice these tools with communication and touch-based exercises.

All activities, except for the welcome circle, are OPTIONAL. Some participants may want to simply observe, and that is welcome!

Attendees MUST:
-Be 18+ years of age
-Be sober.
-Adhere to consent rules of engagement.

Bodhi Deva Ma of Sacred Roots NC is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor specializing in trauma recovery, and a Certified Cuddle Group Facilitator.
Katie Hopkins of Align & Spiral, is a Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist and Certified Cuddle Group Facilitator.

Together they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience with a firmly grounded, yet playful approach for connection, touch, and consent-based education.


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