Sacred Alchemy Integrative Retreat (Starhouse, Boulder, CO)

Sacred Alchemy Integrative Retreat (Starhouse, Boulder, CO)

Join us for a four day Sacred Alchemy Integrative Retreat in beautiful Boulder, CO for a transformative experience like no other!

By Gurpreet K. Gill

Date and time

Thursday, July 25 · 6 - 9pm MDT


The StarHouse

3476 Sunshine Canyon Drive Boulder, CO 80302

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.


6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Thursday Evening Opening

9:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Friday Full Day

9:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Saturday Full Day

10:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Sunday Final Day

About this event

  • 3 hours

Join us for our 4 day retreat at the magical Starhouse!

What is a meaningful and purposeful life?

How can I move beyond my limiting beliefs, challenges and into my highest potential?

How can I deepen may connection to my inner knowing and wisdom?

What am I ready to let go of? What am I ready to reclaim/ claim?

What wisdom is embedded in sacred wounding?

I am ready to befriend the Great Mystery of life’s unfoldings.

I am ready to meet my shadows as my teachers, my growth edge.

To peer beyond the Veil. To Dance with the Great Mystery.

Join us for this 4 day retreat as an opportunity to take time to expand in ways unknown yet incredible for your soul while meeting any existential questions/ angst with compassion and a soft heart.

It is a retreat where you are invited to reclaim, to recalibrate, to nourish your gentle being while exploring facets of all aspects of your self that perhaps remain mysterious and/or are ready for exploration.

This retreat is a trauma-informed container of immense safety where we dive into what we are celebrating along with our often uncomfortable and uneasy growth edges — and for the experienced souls, you may welcome these growth edges with the ease of a seasoned life journeyed.

This retreat is an opportunity to work with me in a somewhat rare opportunity as the vast majority of my work has been private one-on-one retreats over the last few years. I am excited to re-engage with you in community, in sacred circle, that is open to a group experience — an equally potent container as the one-on-one, just simply a different one.

The retreat is organic in nature in that we co-create our experience together. What is in the field, in your heart, that desires to be shared/ revealed/ spoken for release. For the opportunity for healing. For growth. For evolution.

Healing = bringing into greater wholeness of being.

In the space of infinite unconditional love, what disassociated/ misunderstood parts are ready to come home and to be integrated into the fullness of your being? What parts are ready to expand, shift, grow into their next iteration of even more radiant presenced knowing you?

We will work with our light as well as with our shadows. Our shadows are an integral part of us

As well as our dear sweet Ego/ego self. Integration it into our sovereign self who has authority over it.

I would be honored to share this retreat space with you.

With love and appreciation,

Gurpreet K. Gill

Sacred Alchemy Retreat

Conscious Breathwork| Sacred Council | Community | Meditation| Simran

Healing| Transformation| Connection| Rememberance

Many of our challenges, obstacles, suffering, worries, and fear are rooted in our limited self who only perceives what it believes to be “real” in this moment, if not still living in the past. What if the “I” as you know yourself to be is simply a limited version of your infinite possibilities as a Being, a soul on this planet? What if you are much more than you have know, or allowed, yourself to be?

During this 4 day retreat, we will explore what it means to be you, what you desire, what spark of the Greater in you desires more presence. For those who have developed, and continue to develop, a relationship with their Infinite Self, what is emerging now and how is it guiding you? We will dive into the nitty gritty of shadow work.

This retreat offers a safe space to explore all that you are — honoring exactly where you are today as well as the traumas, challenges, the difficulties that have brought you to be right here, right now in your life.

This retreat also provides for a more spacious deep dive into realms of self-discovery, exploration, healing, and awakening — we explore our heart space, develop awareness of what you want to call into your life; and, take our time diving in deep with the powerful, transformative, transmutative, and clearing energies of Conscious Breathwork.

4 breathwork sessions — with each session building, compounding on the last one — are offered over the successive days.

Conscious Breathwork and Compassionate Inquiry — the realm where potent and powerful transformational space awaits each individual.

Using a combination of evocative music, energy work, individual and group processing, creative expression, and evoking sacred ceremony using our breath, we will journey into the realms and depths of our soul self to explore, to deepen our connection with our infinite unbounded self.

These elements combine with the participant’s intention to allow depth of engagement in the exploration of self, physical and non-physical form, and connection to the greater within and the Oneness that is available to all.

The powerful alchemy between the wisdom of your breath, your Eternal soul self, and the great creative energies of this cosmos are at the core of this workshop.

With this retreat, there exists the possibilities to:

  • promote healing on all levels (emotionally, energetically, spiritually, physically, mentally)
  • connect with life-purpose, life path
  • dissolve trauma/ PTSD, limiting beliefs, restrictive patterning, blockages
  • increase in compassion, empathy, kindness, grace for self and others
  • increase clarity, sense of well-being, trust, and safety
  • bring the subconscious to the conscious
  • connection to your greater truth
  • increase joy and bliss
  • lead to ecstatic experiences
  • to continue to expand, to explore, to awaken
  • expect the unexpected

Workshop Logistics:

  • bring water bottle with you
  • 1.5 hour lunch on Friday and Saturday
  • wear comfortable, loose clothing
  • For locals, bring your “nest” — blanket, pillow, yoga mat, anything that will help you be comfortable laying on the floor
  • an eye covering (I have some but most regulars have their own)
  • a journal and a pen
  • any sacred items to place on the altar
  • *you are responsible for booking your own lodging and for your nourishment needs

*Retreat Schedule:

  1. Thursday, July 25 — 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
  2. Friday, July 26 — 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  3. Saturday, July 27 – 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  4. Sunday, July 28 — 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. *schedule may shift slightly

Explore, Connect, Deepen with Your Infinite Self

Investment in Self:

Options are available based on your capacity.

Partial scholarships are available. Payments are available.

*please contact me if you would like to discuss financial flex


A) Please pre-register as this event has limited space to ensure an intimate space.

B) Fill out the application HERE

c) Submit your energy exchange via Venmo, or via Eventbrite

Venmo: @Gurpreet-Kaur-31

Please contact me if you have any questions, if you need to pay with installments, or if there are other concerns.

Location: Boulder, CO, USA at the magical Starhouse, located several miles up Sunshine Canyon from downtown Boulder

Please share and extend this invitation to anyone you feel would benefit and is ready.

*Please note that there are no refunds but you may offer your spot to another deserving soul or offer it as a gift to another.

** Accomodations and food are not included; they are each participant's responsibility to make arrangments. There are hotels, Airbnbs a short 7 minute drive to town.

About Gurpreet:

Gurpreet has been facilitating transformative, healing, spiritual guidance retreats since 2014. She brings immense heart and presence to each event to cultivate immense safety within a connected community. She strives to assist each soul to enter a sanctuary space so they may safely heal and transform/transmute any trauma/challenges that bring them to this moment of radical openness to transformation. She also compassionately holds each soul as they begin to explore their connection to something greater than themselves — their evolution and growth in the spiritual realm without any dogma but with an open heart.

Gurpreet is also well versed in plant medicine and spiritual journey work with several modalities that she has trained deeply with since 2014. She has a deep and profound connection to the realms of altered states of consciousness to gain access to our subconscious and unconcious selves in addition to gleaning the right wisdom at the right time for those who are called to work with her.

Born into a Sikh lineage, straddling both eastern and western lineages, Gurpreet offers a deeply rooted connection to Source energy and wisdom. Humble-yet-direct, she also possesses a sense of humor that is apparent in each session while holding the sacred in deep reverence.


Gurpreet is a caring, informed, and nurturing guide for the journey into the self. In everything, from booking to integrating the breathwork session into my daily life, I felt safe and supported by Gurpreet. Throughout the experience, Gurpreet met me where I was, invited me to ask questions, and offered insights drawn from years of experience. During my consultation, Gurpreet was inquisitive into my mental, physical, and spiritual life, my intention for the session, and responded in a manner which allowed me to feel accepted and loved. At the breathwork session, Gurpreet instructed me in a way that felt natural and comfortable. This invited me to feel free to surrender, to explore my inner being, and transcend space and time. I am grateful to Gurpreet for the commitment to holding space to experience a life-changing moment, a truly mystical experience. ~ Scott T. (Nov. 2023, 4 Day Retreat)

Gurpreet is remarkable. During a 4 night private retreat, she helped me reconnect with my inner wisdom in a way I didn’t even know was possible. I got to know my breath and formed a deeper connection with my deepest human values. She was gentle, loving and wise. Her work is priceless. ~ Nathan H. (2022 Private Retreat)

After years of intense trauma, and powering through with success and achievements as my “numbing,” I finally hit a point of need; needing to find a new way, needing to fully know and love myself, and needing to whole the pieces. Through a personal referral, I found the lovely Gurpreet. 10 sessions of breathwork, and a few overnights during the past year, and I feel like a completely better person! I feel more calm and centered, PTSD symptoms resolved, and a new respect / love for self. G is truly not-of-this-world angelic soul! Eternally grateful to her for saving my life! ~Stacy C. (Private Retreats, Denver, CO)

I am 55 year old entrepreneur who did a 5 day private retreat with Gurpreet and wow what a transformative time. The experience was very healing and powerful. Gurpreet creates a space that is loving, open, safe, non-judgmental, and nurturing. This space allowed me to heal from long held trauma, allowed me to feel true love for myself and opened me to new possibilities in life. I would highly recommend Gurpreet to anyone who is open and ready to heal. You will not be disappointed. ~ Lane R. (Private Retreats, Laguna, CA)

I did a two day overnight, breathwork session with the wonderful Gurpreet. I was not terribly familiar with the work prior to going, and I had a few reservations. Within my first ten minutes with Gurpreet at her Goddess Temple, I felt seen, heard, and safe. Gurpreet radiates love, and it’s evident she wants nothing more than your unfolding into love and wholeness in your time together. She is relatable in ways I have found other healers not to be, and this bring an element of joy and lightness to the work. She is a facilitator, a teacher, and a lover, and she was just the perfect person to help me dive into the next step of my journey. ~Thomas (New York, NY)

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Frequently asked questions

What do I need to bring?

Please bring a yoga mat, a blanket, a flat pillow, an eye mask, water bottle, journal, and a pen/ pencil.

Where do I park?

Please park at the "top" of the Starhouse's parking lot. You will then walk a short walk (3 minutes or so) down to the Starhouse itself.

Are there lunch breaks?

Yes, you will have a 1.5 hour lunch break on Friday and Saturday.

Do I need to attend all of the four days?

Ideally, yes, to get the most out of this retreat. However, some gentle modifications can be made to address individual needs.

What if I can't afford this retreat?

Please reach out to me to discuss options. Opportunities for partial scholarships exist, as well as to help with support and logistics.

Organized by

A "thriver" in life!