Risk Assessment 1 Day Training in Markham

Risk Assessment 1 Day Training in Markham

Offers: Group of 5 - 10 people 10% Discount, Group of 11 - 20 people 15% Discount

By Mangates


For venue details reach us at info@mangates.com, PH: +1 469 666 9332

Markham Markham, ON Canada

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event


Health & Safety Law

The law does not expect you to eliminate all risk, but you are required to protect people as far as ‘reasonably practicable’

Hazards, Risks & Control Measures

A Hazard is something in the workplace that has the potential to cause harm, damage or injury. Risk is the likelihood or severity of this happening. The hierarchy of making a workplace safe is to: Er...

Safety Signs & Safe Systems of Work (SSOW)

One area of importance with regards safety is the use of safety signs. There are several types of safety signs that you will encounter. A Safe System of Work (SSOW) is the safe method of working, des...


You have 2 top priorities when you are first notified of an accident, to the injured person and to make the area safe. Accidents are a good way of identifying if your risk assessments and control mea...

How to Assess the Risks in Your Workplace

The 4 corners of our Risk Assessment: Corner 1 Identify the Hazards & Who is at Risk, Corner 2 Evaluate the Risks and Decide on Precautions, Corner 3 Record your Findings and Implement them and Corne...

Review of Session

Creating an action plan to embed learning.

About this event

  • 8 hours

Certificate: Course Completion Certificate

Language: English

Duration: 1 Day

Credits: 8

Refreshments: Snacks, Beverages and Lunch included in classroom session

Course Delivery: Classroom

Course Overview:

This risk assessment training set out to look at how to identify hazards within the workplace, recognise the risk and implement a control measure.

Managers, leaders, trainers, health and safety officers and anyone involved in health and safety training and/or procedures can take this training.This risk assessment training course will give you the necessary information and skills to enable them to carry out a thorough and effective accident investigation.

The law does not expect you to eliminate all risk, but you are required to protect people as far as ‘reasonably practicable’. We look at how to identify hazards within the workplace, recognise the risk and implement a control measure.

The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) imposes a general duty on employers, self-employed, employees, suppliers and owners of premises to ensure that their workplaces are safe and offer no risk to health.

Course Feature:

At the end of this risk assessment training will be able to:

  • Identify the key responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act (HASAWA)
  • Explain the difference between Hazards, Risks, and Control Measures
  • Identify what safety signs and Safe Systems of Work are within your workplace
  • Identify the part accidents play within the risk assessment process
  • Recognise the 4 corners of the Risk Assessment Process
  • Demonstrate your understanding of risk assessments through practical exercises
  • Please note: The legal explanations in this course are based on United Kingdom examples. However, the materials can easily be adapted to include other countries' data.


Once after the training you receive course completion certificate from Mangates.

Who can Attend?

Anybody who is interested in learning Risk Assessment Skills.

Risk Assessment and Management Workshop: The mission of every organization is affected by today’s global economy and the digital era. Organizations are critically dependent on information technology (IT) to better support their Business Goals. Risk Management plays a critical role in protecting an organization’s information assets, and its mission therein, from any related Risk. An effective Risk Management Process is an important component of a successful security program. The principal goal of an organization’s Risk Management Process should be to protect the organization and its ability to perform its mission, not just its assets. Therefore, the Risk Management Process should not be treated primarily as a technical function carried out by the experts who operate and manage the system, but as an essential management function of the organization.

Risk is the net negative impact of the exercise of a vulnerability, considering both the probability and the impact of occurrence. Risk Management is the Process of identifying Risk, assessing Risk, and taking steps to reduce risk to an acceptable level. This course provides an overview of the specific criteria, steps, and actions necessary to implement and sustain a comprehensive Information Risk Management program.

Supply Chain Management Workshop: Supply Chain Management improves the coordination and relationship between Suppliers, Producers, and Customers. It must be kept at a high level of organization to be successful in today’s global economy. Goods and services are now pieced together from all over the world, and this process can be hectic and complicated if not managed correctly.

With Supply Chain Management your company and employees will be on target to lower costs, improving efficiency, and increase customer satisfaction. This course will provide your employees with the understanding of how Supply Chain Management can improve and help almost any type of business.

Problem Management Professional Workshop: The HDI Problem Management Professional certification is intended for those who wish to gain a working knowledge of industry Best Practices related to problem Management. It is ideal for IT professionals who are working or are planning to work within problem Management, whether in a technical, managerial, or operational role.

The responsibilities of problem Management professionals vary from organization to organization, but they often include: assisting with the planning and implementation of the Problem Management Process; performing both reactive and proactive problem Management; prioritizing and categorizing problems; investigating and diagnosing the problems; coordinating and/or executing root cause analysis; developing workarounds, and proposing changes to resolve issues.

The HDI Problem Management Professional Certification Standard is based on the concepts, Principles, and Best Practices found in various ITSM frameworks, including ITIL, ISO/IEC 20000, and COBIT.

Performance Management Workshop: Anyone involved in the performance management or appraisal process. This could include Directors, Managers, Team Leaders, HR Professionals. This training will help to develop performance management skills.

Course Contents:

Expert Training to Improve Performance Management

Often treated like a box-ticking exercise, effective performance management is actually fundamental to achieving a successful future. Performance management is not a fixed sequence of events, but a continuous process that constantly adapts to the needs of the team.

Managing Performance Workshop:- Anyone in a position of managing or leading others will benefit from the message delivered by this managing performance training.

This training set out to helps you to manage the performance of your workforce through common sense techniques that focus on the effective use of communication and goal setting to improve productivity and increase morale and motivation.

The session will steer away from the procedural, form-filling approach to performance management/appraisals and instead focus on the skills required to effectively co-operate with team members, develop their skills and ensure they feel incentivized to succeed.

With the techniques outlined in this training course, you will feel empowered to enhance the performance of your team and begin to collaborate with them to improve their behaviors and ability in their role.

Manager Management Workshop:- With this course, you will be able to provide the skills, guidance, and empowerment to your team of managers. They will then be better suited in leading and motivating their team and thus produce fantastic results. To be a successful manager means having a wide range of skills. Through this workshop, you will be able to disperse your knowledge and experience throughout your leadership team.
Manager Management takes a special type of leader. This workshop will expand your participant’s knowledge and provide a way for them to teach and lead new and experienced managers. As every manager knows that learning never stops, this workshop will have something for everyone.

Leading Effective Teams Workshop:- Leading Effective Teams training based on leading teams, will help anyone that leads a team or is involved in a leadership role. It is also useful for those that are about to embark on a position of leadership or need to develop their leadership skills.

Course Contents:

Having an effective team around you is crucial. However, it is an area that is often left to chance, which can lead to de-motivated individuals that do not feel part of the business and consequently do not perform.

This Leading Effective Teams training looks at what it takes to lead an effective team and how you can get the best out of the people in it by understanding the role of a leader, both personally and from the point of view of the team.

Human Resource Management Workshop:- Recently tasks that were originally thought to fall under the responsibility of the human resources department have become a part of many managers” job descriptions. The sharing and diffusion of these tasks throughout the organization has had an impact particularly on those that are not equipped with the skills or knowledge to deal with these issues.

The Human Resource Management workshop will give managers the basic tools to handle numerous human resource situations such as interviewing, orientation, safety, harassment, discrimination, violence, discipline, and termination. This workshop will provide your participants those skills and assist them with certain Human Resource situations.

Essential Management Skills Workshop:- Every day, managers solve difficult problems, turn organisations around, and achieve astonishing performance. To be successful, every organisation needs good managers.

This Essential Management Skills training suitable for anyone that works in a management or leadership role. They will provide the perfect foundation for new managers to develop and grow, while giving existing managers the chance to review their current skills and build on their performance.

Employee Engagement Workshop:- Employee Engagement is a necessary strategy for companies that want to succeed in the marketplace. Employee engagement is not an HR initiative that managers are reminded to do once a year. It is a key strategic driver of employee performance, accomplishment, and continuous improvement all year long. It is the outcome of how your organization interacts with people to drive business results.

This Employee Engagement training suitable for anyone that works in a management or leadership role.

Effective Vendor Management Workshop:- Your relationship with your vendors can often make or break a project baseline. In this short course, you will learn best practices for managing the vendor relationship from initiation to close, including documenting requirements, negotiating contract terms, and evaluating proposals. You’ll learn how and why to establish clearly defined roles and responsibilities between you and your vendors.

Employee Engagement Workshop:- Employee Engagement is a necessary strategy for companies that want to succeed in the marketplace. Employee engagement is not an HR initiative that managers are reminded to do once a year. It is a key strategic driver of employee performance, accomplishment, and continuous improvement all year long. It is the outcome of how your organization interacts with people to drive business results.

This Employee Engagement training suitable for anyone that works in a management or leadership role.

Crisis Management Workshop:- Crisis management is as important as finance management, personnel management, etc. Having a clear and effective program and plan for an event is critical not only to your survival but critical to the profitability and possibly the survival of the company. Being able to identify risk, assess the situation, and respond appropriately is important, and requires not only training but practice.
With our Crisis Management workshop, your participants will understand that a crisis can occur at any time. They will develop the skills needed for certain negative events. Also, they will be able to recognize warning signs to help avoid negative situations completely, or, if the situation occurs, better manage the crisis.

Conflict Management Workshop:- Disagreements, differences of opinion and conflicting perspectives on key issues inevitably arise in any context where people are working together.

Research has shown that workplace conflicts can become highly destructive. Negative emotions may be stirred up, poisoning team morale, creating stress and destroying relationships.

Conflict may emerge between managers and their staff, between team members or departments.

Conflict may be expressed openly, but it may also be hidden, in the form of irritation, resentment, loss of morale and lack of commitment. Hidden conflict is easy to miss and therefore can be particularly damaging.

Ultimately, this is likely to have an adverse effect on team and company performance, costing time and money.

It is therefore vital to manage conflict constructively.

As an team member and leader, your ability to deal with and resolve conflicts defines your success in the longer term.

Our one day workshop in Conflict Management and Communication Skills immerses you in the most advanced conflict management tools, strategies and practices applicable today. You will gain hands on practice on proven frameworks, go through simulations and exercises that will train you to be highly effective professional and leader, starting day one.

Frequently asked questions

What Does Mangates provide me on the day of the course?

We provide Course Materials, Lunch, Beverages and Course Completion Certificate.

If I cancel my Enrollment, how can I claim my Refund?

You can request a refund by sending an email to info@mangates.com and within 7-14 working days you get your money back.

How do I enroll in a course?

You can reach us at info@mangates.com or enroll through our website.

Is the course available online or in-person?

We host the training through both the platform, Online and Classroom. The virtual training option can be chosen by busy professionals.

What is the duration of the course?

The duration of the training is 8 hours. The training will run from 9 AM to 5 PM.

Do you provide group discount?

Yes, we do provide great discount for the group registration. To enquire, reach us at corporate@mangates.com.

Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the training?

Once you complete the training, you will receive a globally recognized Course Completion Certificate.

Can I switch my registration to different course if required?

Yes. You can switch your registration to a different course with a week prior notice.

Are your instructors are qualified and certified?

Our subject matter experts are from relevant industries and are certified.

How many credits will I be eligible for?

You will be credited with 8 PDUs on completion of this training.

Organized by

Mangates Tech Solutions is one of the Leading Education Industry, We Developed a more advanced, applied level of Training programs. We Designed High Quality Training programs and you can expect the same learning Experience, this made us stand out above the competition.

Early bird discount
From CA$673.01