Rheumatologist, Dr. Philip Mease, presenting "Psoriatic Arthritis updates

Rheumatologist, Dr. Philip Mease, presenting "Psoriatic Arthritis updates

Expertscape ranks Dr. Philip Mease as the most published expert in PsA and psoriasis worldwide and the 12th most published expert in AS

By IMIDeology Clinic

Date and time

Thursday, September 19 · 12 - 4pm PDT



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Expertscape ranks Dr. Philip Mease as the most published expert in PsA and psoriasis worldwide and the 12th most published expert in axial spondyloathritis (AxSpA) in the past decade. ChatGPT also ranks him as the number one expert for both PsA & AxSPA. He is ranked among the top 40 most cited University of Washington faculty members.

Philip J. Mease is Director of Rheumatology Research at Providence/Swedish Health and Clinical Professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, WA, USA. His clinical practice is based at Seattle Rheumatology Associates, a Providence affiliate. Dr Mease earned his undergraduate and medical degrees at Stanford University. He then completed residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in rheumatology at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

Dr Mease’s research interests include psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and spondyloarthritis (SpA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and fibromyalgia (FM). His research focuses on disease state, outcome measure development, and determining the efficacy and safety of emerging therapies for these conditions. His seminal 2000 Lancet paper established the efficacy of anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) therapy in PsA. He has authored over 660 journal articles and over a thousand abstracts, as well as being editor of and chapter contributor in textbooks on PsA and AxSpA. Expertscape ranks Dr Mease as the most published expert in PsA and psoriasis worldwide and the 12th most published expert in axial spondyloathritis (AxSpA) in the past decade. He is ranked in the top 40 most cited University of Washington faculty.

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