Rewrite Your Future - Los Angles / Online

Rewrite Your Future - Los Angles / Online

Overcome self-sabotaging patterns

By Kailasa Los Angeles-Nithyanandeshwara Hindu Temple

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Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

About this event

    Level 3

    Your past experiences and emotions have left a lasting mark on your brain and your entire being.
    Even though these events may have transpired years ago, they continue to influence your present life, often without your conscious realization.
    Discover a straightforward method designed to nullify the impact of your past and unlock the realization of your brightest future.


    • Initiations to overcome all obsessive-compulsive disorders, pain, suffering, and experience Paramashivanandam
    • Past memories form the foundation for your brain's capacity to visualize the future and shape your future life experiences as well.
    • Heal from all pains and sufferings and live the life you always wanted!

    Level 2

    Overcome self-imposed limitations

    All suffering in your life stems from a common source, a root disempowering self-belief.

    • This deep-seated low self-image breeds self-doubt and impedes your ability to live freely in the future.
    • Discover the process that will help you reclaim your potential, build confidence and belief in yourself, enabling you to pursue your goals without doubting yourself!

    Level - 1

    Overcome self-sabotaging patterns

    • Discover the exhilarating journey of self-realization—more than just a path, it is a transformation filled with joy and fulfillment.
    • Learn and absorb the spiritual wisdom from ancient Hindu scriptures, and taste the true fruit of spirituality.
    • Join us for Paramashivoham Level-1, where we learn tools to overcome self-sabotaging patterns, receive guidance to find your inner treasure and insights to know your true self

    Register and Join Free at