Retirement You 1 Day Course in Cornelius, NC

Retirement You 1 Day Course in Cornelius, NC

Get your ticket now, seats will fill up fast!

By Mark Henry

Date and time

Tuesday, June 18 · 6:30 - 8pm EDT


Peninsula Prime

19918 North Cove Road Cornelius, NC 28031

About this event

This event is for first-time attendees only.

Please be advised that seating is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. We highly recommend arriving early to secure your preferred seating.


The top reason baby boomers and pre-retirees attend this class is to become informed and learn things that they didn’t know about regarding retirement planning. Many of the retirement planning strategies utilized by our parents have grown outdated and may no longer be the optimal application for those seeking to retire today or in the next few years. This course compares and contrasts the older retirement paradigms versus what exists today. You will learn how to help insulate yourself from the risks of rising taxes, low interest rates, and become aware of and help avoid common retirement planning mistakes.


• How could rising taxes affect your retirement cash flow?

• 401k’s and IRAs – how to efficiently take distributions

• How would a long-term care event affect your nest egg?

• Why having a written, tested, and tax-efficient Retirement Income Plan should matter to you


• The three basic retirement accounts and their functions

• How to accumulate dollars in the right types of accounts for future retirement income

• What’s the optimal way for you to save - tax-deferred? tax-free? or a combination?

• Should you convert to a Roth IRA…or not?

• How IRAs and 401k’s affect Social Security taxation

• Developing a Plan for Retirement

• Strategies to reduce taxes in retirement

• Investing Myths and Misconceptions

• Investing and Income Strategies


• The Social Security thresholds you need to be aware of

• The real cost of Social Security taxation

• Strategies to reduce Social Security taxation

• What Social Security maximization strategies apply to you?


• Stocks

• Mutual Funds

• Bonds

• US Treasuries

• Exchange Traded Funds

• 4 Types of Annuities

• Certificates of Deposit


• Do you know the correct ‘Rate of Withdrawal’ for your situation?

• Have you done enough? One step to discover that for yourself in 10 minutes.

• How to liquidate retirement assets in the right order

• How would a market downturn just before or early in your retirement years, affect your income?


• The impact of dramatic market loss in retirement

• Is ‘buy and hold’ still appropriate for today?

• How to shield a portion of your assets from stock market volatility

• Why ‘asset allocation’ alone may not be enough

• What should a diversified portfolio look like?


• Learn the tools to use to transfer your wealth to your loved ones and charities

• What’s the difference between a will or trust?

Advisory services offered through Foundations Investment Advisors, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser.

Organized by

Gone are the traditional foundations of retirement income—most people don’t have pensions, Social Security is in question. We are facing a slew of challenges previous generations never had to worry about: longevity, increased market volatility, long-term care. A tweet from across the country can affect the value of your portfolio, and because you are relying on this portfolio to provide a retirement income, that causes a lot of stress about how to spend this money.

Nowhere on your 401(k) statement does it tell you how much money you can take out this year, or how to adjust for inflation, or how much you can live on for the rest of your life. Conventional wisdom tells us: To retire successfully you have to hit a certain number. And yet achieving that number has nothing to do with ensuring you won’t run out of money.

My name is Mark Henry, and as the CEO and Founder of Alloy Wealth, I want to see you achieve a balance between knowing what you can spend without the fear of running out. The goal is to use this money! To travel, to bless others, to do what you want—this is what I call Living Large and it’s the foundation of what I talk about on my radio and TV show. To retire successfully today requires us to be better stewards of what we have so that more of it is available for tomorrow. Doing that takes a different style of planning than what we’ve done before.

I know this because, on Monday, October 19, 1987, I watched my father lose the retirement of his dreams. My parents lost over half their retirement savings in a single day. My dad had no control over when Black Monday would happen. Nobody does. But we do have control over what we do with our assets now.

I’ve been working in the finance and business sectors throughout my 30-year career. In 2011, I founded Alloy Wealth to help people get a written plan because success is about more than just achieving the right numbers. An alloy is a combination of several metals that are stronger when used together than when used alone. Being held to the fiduciary standard of care, we as a firm always do what’s in our clients’ best interest and being independent gives us the freedom to choose multiple solutions to make your plan stronger. But more importantly, we start every plan with the end in mind by asking the question, “What are you trying to do?”

Most people want to accomplish more than just good returns; they want a good life. So you tell me, what does success look like to you 10 years from now? When you have a holistic plan, one that addresses taxation, inflation, market risk, and the rising cost of healthcare, one that can get you to age 90 with some kind of a financial cushion left, then you have true balance. This is the benefit of having a written plan—the freedom to do more and be more during retirement— and this is what I want for you.

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