Reputation, Risk and Reward - The Challenges and Opportunities of Research Integrity in Bioscience

By Sheffield Hallam Doctoral School

Date and time

Wednesday, April 26, 2017 · 11am - 4pm GMT+1


Sheffield Hallam University (City Campus)

Charles St 12.2.10 Charles Street Sheffield S1 2NH United Kingdom


Excellent research can only exist where intellect and integrity combine. This wide-ranging session will explore the moral, cultural and procedural responsibilities of being a bioscience researcher. It will move beyond standard research ethics training to look at the evolution of research integrity and how it has shaped and will continue to shape the life sciences. From the Nuremberg Trials and the Alder Hey Scandal, to the Singapore Statement and Concordat to Support Research Integrity, attendees will learn about the developments that have fashioned the present and the new dilemmas their generation will be required to tackle. Specific topics covered will include, among others, conflicts of interest, in vivo testing and data-related integrity.

This session has been organised as part of the Doctoral Training Alliance (DTA) in Applied Biosciences for Health. It is open to DTA students and DTA supervisors as well as all Sheffield Hallam Univeristy (SHU) researchers.

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