Relax Infinity At-Home Retreat
Ticket sales end soon

Relax Infinity At-Home Retreat

Join us every month in building a Meditation Community.

By Krishna Bhatta MD FRCS

Date and time

Sunday, June 2 · 6am - 1pm PDT




11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

LIVE Community Discussion featuring Julia Maslen

Trust, stability, safety, belonging, and abundance are some of the powers held in the root chakra. Yet fear can hold us back from embodying this energy. During this 30 minute community circle you wil...

About this event

  • 7 hours

Join Relax Infinity for a self-led At-Home Retreat focused on Caring for the Root Chakra.

  • Relax.
  • Go at your own pace.
  • Get grounded.
  • Find inner peace.

Your experience will begin with Chakra Music. Chakra music is a genre of music that is specifically designed to activate and strengthen the 7 energy centers in the body. The music features soothing and repetitive sound frequencies corresponding to each chakra. For example, the root chakra is associated with grounding and stability and is often associated with the sound of a drum or a bass note.

From there you will begin to spend focused time in Vipassana focusing on your breathing and the 7 chakras, followed by a root chakra specific mediation to ground yourself. The At-Home Retreat will feature a LIVE 30-minute Root Chakra Cleanse and Discussion with Intuitive Healer Julia Maslin 11:30-12pm. From there, you can enrich your retreat experience by stepping into 10 minutes meditation offering intermittent silence, a 10-minute outdoor walk to connect with the earth, and a calming sleep track with Tibetan bowl music.

Sign up now for FREE and get ready to relax!

Frequently asked questions

How do I access the Relax Infinity App?

You can download it at Apple App Store or Google Play. The At-Home Retreat content will be located under the Meditation collection, which will be free to everyone on June 2.

How do I learn more about At-Home Retreats?

Is there a schedule for the day?

You can go at your own pace. There will be a live discussion from 11:30-12:30pm EST via Zoom. Otherwise, the timing is entirely up to you, just take the time to dedicate the day to this practice. Schedule it on your calendar. Treat it with the same importance as any other event.

How do I avoid the distractions of the day?

Set your retreat boundaries. Inform those around you about your mini-retreat to minimize disruptions. Turn off non-essential notifications and create a physical or mental boundary to signal the start of your retreat.

What kinds of things can I do to enrich my experience?

Take some time to get creative with planning healthy meals for the day. Create a soothing space for your mediations. Have some candles ready to burn. Have some bath salts for a hot bath before bed. Ask your friends to sign up as well, and check in with each other if that feels good to you.

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