Relax and Unwind- Meditation and Sound Bath

Relax and Unwind- Meditation and Sound Bath

If you've never meditated before- this is for you! Come learn a few meditation techniques and enjoy the relaxing Sound Bath!

By The NOW Massage- S. Lamar

Date and time

Friday, May 31 · 8:30 - 9:15pm CDT


The NOW Massage

1500 South Lamar Boulevard #Suite 140 Austin, TX 78704

About this event

Come join us for an evening of meditation and relaxing, healing sound bath.*****Bring a pillow or yoga mat to sit on.

Rachel Flowers- owner of The NOW Massage/S. Lamar is a Certified Master of Wisdom and Meditation Teacher from Davidji and Certified Sound Bath Practioner. She will share with you some basic understanding of why we should add meditation to our daily lives and some easy ways to do it.

Meditation will be supported by a healing, relaxing sound bath using Crystal bowls to match the vibration of the chakras resulting in a warm, inviting, healing energy practice.

*****Bring a pillow or yoga mat to sit on. The floor is concrete so you may want to add some more comfort with your yoga mat and or blanket. Class will take 30-45 min.

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