Regenerative Breathwork on the Farm

Regenerative Breathwork on the Farm

A regenerative Breathwork Circle at Honey's Farmhouse where we will breathe on the land, learn of its history and sample its goodness.

By Trish Brewer

Date and time

Saturday, July 13 · 10 - 11:30am EDT


Honey's Farmhouse Retreat

5819 Brookswood Road Lothian, MD 20711

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

    Release, reset, and restore through breath.

    Join us for a regenerative Breathwork Circle at Honey's Farmhouse Retreat. We will learn about the current permaculture and regenerative agriculture practiced on the farm today. We will then be guided through an active breathwork meditation practice while lying on the land. Afterward, we will sip the farm's herbal teas and learn about the medicinal benefits of the herbs.

    Regeneration is the process of renewal, restoration, and regrowth. Making something develop or grow strong again, especially after being damaged or lost. Our breath offers us the regenerative power to restore what has been wounded or is inactive within us.

    Whether you are new to breathwork or have practiced many times, all are welcome.

    About Breathwork:

    Breathwork is an active, efficient, and effective technique that allows you to disconnect from the thinking mind and enter a different state of consciousness.

    This type of Breathwork can lessen anxiety, depression, and stress. It can release emotional or mental blocks, constriction, tension, trauma, fear, grief, and/or anger.

    Please Note: Breathwork can stir up deep emotions with the intention of lightening things up for you, but it can also be a lot to navigate. It is always my intention to create nurturing and compassionate space.

    Consult a doctor before participating in breathwork if you are pregnant, have been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, suffer from high blood pressure, epilepsy, glaucoma, retinal detachment, aneurysms, osteoporosis, have had recent surgery, or physical injury, have a history of severe mental illness or panic attacks.

    Class size is limited.

    Registration closes at 9am EST on Saturday, July 13th.

    Frequently asked questions

    What do I need to bring?

    Bring a yoga mat, a blanket, an eye covering (a bandanna or scarf will do, something to block the light), a small pillow (optional), a refillable water bottle, something to write with.

    How should I dress?

    Dress comfortably and in layers as your body temperature may fluctuate during breathwork.

    I have never done breathwork before, can I still attend?

    Yes! Whether you are new to breathwork or have practiced many times, all are welcome.

    What should I know about active breathwork healing if I have never practiced before?

    Breathwork can stir up deep emotions with the intention of lightening things up for you, but it can also be a lot to navigate. It is always my intention to create nurturing and compassionate space.

    Is there any other information I should know about breathwork?

    It is best to not eat just before doing breathwork; make sure you have given your body ample time to digest a meal; a light snack is fine.

    Should I consult my doctor before I practice active breathwork healing?

    If you are pregnant, have been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, suffer from high blood pressure, epilepsy, glaucoma, retinal detachment, aneurysms, osteoporosis, have had recent surgery, or physical injury, have a history of severe mental illness or panic attacks you should consult a doctor.

    Organized by

    I’m Trish and I’m glad you’re here! As a trauma-informed Breathwork Coach and Reiki Master Teacher, my work is to intuitively guide you back to your true self in a nurturing and compassionate space.
