Braver Angels  &   IBECC

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Registration for this event is now closed. We hope you will be able to participate in a future Braver Angels event.

Braver Angels & IBECC

Learn about Braver Angels and how we can bridge the political divide while staying true to our own beliefs

By Braver Angels

Date and time

Tuesday, April 19, 2022 · 3 - 4:30pm PDT



About this event

Join us for this online session to discuss the effects of political polarization and what we can do as individuals to bridge the divide while staying true to our own beliefs. Braver Angels is a grass roots organization that helps equip people to have positive relationships with people who differ politically. We welcome Conservatives, Liberal/Progressives, and Others. We offer structured conversations, with a focus on listening and reflecting rather than shouting and demeaning. Braver Angels facilitates collaborative discussions and the sharing of ideas.

Goals of Braver Angels:

  • To better understand the experiences and beliefs of those on the other side of the ideological divide.
  • To seek out areas of common ground in addition to acknowledging and respecting differences.
  • To gain insights that might help to heal the polarization in our communities and the nation.

Who can come? Anyone interested in developing a deeper understanding of, and connection with, people whose ideologies differ from their own. Braver Angels should honestly be able to answer "yes" to the question: "are you willing to listen to the other side, and are you willing to speak to the other side with respect?"

Participants will be invited to engage in discussions at multiple points in the session

The workshop will be offered over Zoom

Questions? Contact Ruth Lunde at


This is a free event brought to you by Braver Angels as part of our mission to depolarize America. Braver Angels is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We invite you to consider a gift to Braver Angels; all donations are tax deductible. Your support will allow us to offer more workshops and debates with the ultimate goal of uniting America.

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