Real Food Farm Community Volunteer Days 2024

Registrations are closed

Sign-up has ended for this week's volunteer day, if your availability allows please sign up for any of the following weeks.

Real Food Farm Community Volunteer Days 2024

Weekly volunteer day with Real Food Farm

By Civic Works' Food and Farm


Civic Works' Real Food Farm

2801 Saint Lo Drive Baltimore, MD 21213

About this event

Real Food Farm is welcoming up to 10 volunteers to help out around the farm every Wednesday and registration is required in advance for each individual volunteer. All are welcome regardless of experience or ability. If you represent an organization or company that would like to volunteer as a group, please contact our volunteer coordinator Harper Czumak-Daugherty at so we are better able to accomodate your group.

Volunteer days are rain or shine. Please only sign up for what you can 100% commit to and let us know ASAP if you do not plan to attend so we can open your space to someone on the waitlist.

Please plan to arrive on time! We encourage volunteers to stay for the duration of the event, however we understand that some may need to leave early. Please let us know when you arrive.

Volunteers will be required to sign a waiver upon arrival and each individual in your party must be signed up to attend.

Farm projects may include weeding, planting, bed preparation, fruit tree work, compost making, mulching, pathway maintenance, greenhouse work, and more.

What to bring:

  • Water bottle
  • Hat or other head covers
  • Sturdy close-toed shoes
  • Weather appropriate clothes that you do not mind getting dirty
  • Sunscreen
  • Snacks
  • Wear close-toed sturdy shoes

**Travel light! The farm is an open public space and we have no secure storage for bags. Leave valuables at home and be mindful of your personal belongings, as you would in any park setting.

Please do not sign up for a volunteer shift if you are unwilling or unable to adhere to the above guidelines. Real Food Farm reserves the right to dismiss any volunteer if any of the above guidelines are not followed.

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