Rainbow Recovery All Recovery Meeting

Rainbow Recovery All Recovery Meeting

Rainbow Recovery is a part of Young People in Recovery, focused on providing recovery resources to the LGBTQ+ community and their allies.

By Young People in Recovery

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About this event

    Welcome to Rainbow Recovery, a vibrant weekly meeting hosted by Young People in Recovery (YPR) dedicated to providing a supportive and inclusive space for the queer recovery community and their allies. Our gatherings are open to individuals of all ages and pathways to recovery, affirming every journey toward health, sobriety, and wellness.

    What to Expect:

    • Queer-Focused Support: An empowering environment that celebrates diversity and is tailored specifically to the needs and experiences of the LGBTQ+ community in recovery.
    • Inclusive Community: A welcoming space for all, regardless of your pathway to recovery or where you are on your journey. Whether you're seeking support, sharing your progress, or looking to support others, you're in the right place.
    • Connection and Empowerment: Engage with a diverse group of individuals who understand the unique challenges faced by the queer community in recovery. Gain insights, resources, and encouragement to support your journey.
    • Varied Perspectives: Engage with different weekly meeting hosts and speakers, including LGBTQ+ individuals in recovery, allies, and professionals who offer strategies and inspiration for successful, inclusive recovery.

    Event Details:

    • Frequency: Weekly
    • Audience: Open to the queer recovery community and their allies, welcoming all ages and recovery pathways.
    • Registration: Free, with an option to donate to support our continuous efforts to provide inclusive recovery support.

    Why Attend?
    Rainbow Recovery meetings are more than just a gathering; they're a chance to be part of a community that truly understands and celebrates your identity and recovery journey. Whether you're looking for a space to share your story, seeking support, or wanting to connect with others who get it, Rainbow Recovery is here for you.

    LGBTQ+ Recovery, Queer Support Group, Addiction Recovery, Substance Abuse, Wellness, Empowerment, Inclusive Recovery, Diversity in Recovery, Rainbow Recovery, Recovery Allies, Sobriety Resources, Queer Community Support.

    Z oom ID- 88046814680

    Organized by

    Outreach Initiative & Informational Sessions